STOP BUYING THE XRGB2+!! Use THIS instead.....

Started by Silver237, September 11, 2004, 01:57:25 AM

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All those wanting to play video game systems through their PC monitor in NON VGA/RGB form MUST look at this topic I posted in the Dscaler software forums!! I used to own an XRGB2+....IT SUCKED BEYOND BELIEF!!!! Washed out colors, dark imagery, etc. THIS post has the answer...Its for a type of TV Tunner card that you should use with Dscaler free software instead. The screenshots speak for themselves. XRGB will NOT give you this kind of quality OR amount of options in ANY lifetime. Not to mention you can capture video or take screenshots any time you like. Also takes up MUCH less space & power outlets......

OH....and one last thing.....the end all be all of defending arguments on this subject....the XRGB2+ is 200+ dollars.....a good TV tunner/capture card is around 50-60 dollars.....I don't think I need to say anything else.  B)  


It will be a cold day in hell that I go to DScaler over an RGB signal.

It will be an even colder day in hell that DScaler is ported to my operating system.

Edit--And after reading your post for a second time I can only conclude that you never used RGB cables with your XRGB2+. Why do you think it is named XRGB2+?


a TON of people out there do not have RGB monitors...thats what I am reffering to...most, like in the US, have VGA style PC monitors.


A TON of people in the USA (count me) have them, and they're <gasp> cheap and easy to acquire. Call an arcade supplier for a new one, the 200 you spent on an XRGB2+ could've got you a brand new RGB monitor.

But this sidesteps the issue that I called you on--you didn't use RGB cables with your XRGB2+, did you?


I guess you missed the part of my topic where I said "in NON VGA/RGB form". But no I didn't use the RGB cables because there are no video game systems that have that.



I couldn't find anything about that card that discussed the framerate of captured video.  Most TV cards are really crappy, and only offer 30fps capturing, in addition to not having RGB inputs.  The XRGB series do 60fps and offer RGB, there's really no way in the world you can beat that kind of quality.  This card doesn't do Component either, which the XRGB-2+ does.

Your screenshots, however, are really quite nice.  One thing I noticed though that you won't ever see with the XRGB is improper pixel sampling on the horizontal axis.  Check out these three images I cut from your samples:

This image is untouched.  You can see many blurry vertical lines.  In order to see exactly how it was affecting the image pre-dscaler I reduced it by 50% and this is the result:

You can see now how, approximately every fifth pixel, two pixels are averaged together.  This is because your card is either sampling the image too often or not often enough.  You'll notice it most in these checkerboard areas.  If it's any consolation I have an $800 RGB capture card that does the same thing, witness:

To be clear, you'll never notice this with an XRGB.  Of course, that said, you probably never noticed it on your current rig.  =)  The bottom line though is that your solution - while providing great results you've no reason to be displeased with - is not as good as an XRGB.  Sadly there's not really any room for dissent.


Just out of curiosity, what does this mean?

QuoteI didn't use the RGB cables because there are no video game systems that have that.


Yes, what does that mean? That you don't know where to buy RGB cables?

As for NON VGA form, uhm, that's why you would use an RGB monitor, simplest solution. NON RGB form? Well gee, that's where I'd go to ebay and get a $3 cable. (Which can be used with both an RGB monitor and your XRGB2+.) ;)


Dscaler is great and all but its nothing compared to a true RGB source or even a 480p source converted to VGA.