US N64 Problem

Started by Jean_Valjean, August 10, 2004, 11:55:11 PM

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i'm very desperate, i posted this problem some weeks ago (where's the thread?^^" ), because my US N64 makes some major problems.

the screen flickers and moves fast from one side to another...
but only when the screen is white or quite brigth...

i've tested it with several cables and TVs and the problem is always the same :(
so it cant belong to that...

now i've testet another few games and the problem still exists,
eg.: i cant even select the difficult at golden eye, nor can i read the briefing-.-"

is it possible that i damage something when i opend it?
but it is not to be seen anything...

i would be very thankful for any possible solutions...


Has it always had that board with the ribbon cable attached?  I'm guessing it's some kind of RGB amplifier and you've always used an RGB cable and TV/Monitor?

I've seen some RGB mods with amplifiers which can cause distorted images when trying to display lots of white or light bright colours.

Are you able to try it with s-vid, composite or RF cables to see if it does the same?

There is a post on here which contains a link to which I have made quite a few of with no problems at all, combined with the RGB mod listed on gamesx and most other mod sites.



yes the problem still exists with an av cable...

now i've tested a s-vhs cable and it works, BUT now i have some slight, red lines accross the screen...

btw.: with the pal n64 and THIS s-vhs cable the screen is just brighter than normal...


The N64 s-vid cable is different for pal and ntsc n64's IIRC.

I'm still assuming that it is an RGB mod with an amplifier?  Is it one you fitted, could you remove it and try it again with a standard composite av cable?  Some amplifier circuits also amplify the composite video signal I think.



oh, im not good enough in soldering to do that^^

i think i rember that someone here said it would be a ADC oder DAC...


Hmmm... I'm out of ideas at the moment.  Plus I usually over complicate things.  Maybe someone else will come up with some other ideas.



thank you very much anyway^^

i think i'll by another s-vhs cable and test it out...


does nobody have a solution? :(


To be honest it does sound a bit like a ground problem, where when the image is dark the RGB lines act as the ground. When the image is bright, then there's not enough ground for the TV to sync up correctly.

Other than that, I can't think of anything to suggest!
[ Not an authoritive source of information. ]


and what can i do to fix that?^_^


Best thing I can suggest is to ensure that all the ground wires are intact and properly connected. Beyond that, I can't really suggest anything!
[ Not an authoritive source of information. ]


oh, i thought you would say something like taking the voltage of a signal to balance the groundsignal toward zero...^^

thx anyway^^