SNES Video Glitches - Repair?

Started by Colin, July 30, 2004, 01:30:31 AM

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Heartbroken that my vintage SNES console has developed a video fault that makes it unplayable.  I'm looking for help diagnosing the problem (and cure?)

Basic symptoms are that only part of the video signal comes through, and it's scrambled.  E.g., for Zelda III, the initial "-Nintendo-" in white doesn't appear at all; on the title screen, the shield/sword partially appears, but almost all colors are lacking (on the intro, I get lots of "g"s and graphical bits in brown).

Or, Turtles in Time:  on the Konami screen, the background fades to white, but no logo.  In the rest of the game, other graphics are scrambled, with some text in their place, and most colors off/missing.

This occurred quite suddenly - console worked perfectly, and then a couple weeks later the video went out.  The unit was in my closet and fell 1ft, landed on carpet - could that be enough to jar something loose?

Audio still works fine.
Not a cable problem - tested with RF and s-video.
Cleaned carts and console - no change.

Again, I'm wondering if this is something "simple" to fix - a loose connection internally? - or more serious, like processor damage.  In other words, should I be buying a 4.5mm security screw bit or a replacement console?


-Colin Bucher


This has both 3.8mm and 4.5mm Gamebits, as well as a ton of other security bits and the screwdriver itself :
Lik-sang charges more than that for just ONE of the bits, and you don't get the driver.


you can try cleaning the cartridge port, scrambled graphics are often caused by dust or debris in the port.  Failing that, buy another.  They're cheap.