KVM with Dreamcast

Started by Endymion, June 08, 2004, 04:07:58 AM

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I've had enough of the ghosting that my Performance VGA box gives when I run high resolutions through my computer. This is the much-lauded VGA box that has passthrough to tie it in with your computer, it is nice the way it automatically switches over when you turn your Dreamcast on and off but anything less than 1600 lines of resolution for my desktop computer is grannyvision to me. I have tried cheap cables, I've tried thick shielded cables, I've tried expensive ones--every cable looks fine under 1600 lines, once it gets to that level though even the best have a ghosting to them (if slight) so I brought home a spare D-link KVM switchbox.

Which is even more annoying--it doesn't work, and it only doesn't work, with the Dreamcast's VGA! This is pretty darn confusing as the KVM does in fact work with everything else I plug up to it (i.e. computers).

Is anybody using a KVM with their Dreamcast? If so what model? Oh and any mention of ghosting or interferance with high resolutions would be nice to note, thanks. <_<  


Is it one of those auto-sensing KVM boxes? It might be because you haven't plugged in a mouse and keyboard; I've never found one that's particularly user-friendly. I've always used purely-mechanical models; they cost less and are generally idiot proof (Evidence; I can use one. ;) ).

On good, metal boxes I've had no ghosting problems on my PC/DC/GC/XBox setup; well, maybe just a smidgen for my PC at hi-res.

The only problem with those is sometimes the switch doesn't so evenly "switch" the signals, but that's mainly been a problem on the DB9 boxes I use for the other systems.

Of course, I've found using good, thickly-shielded cables are just as important as the box that's used.

Any help?


Not really, no--I've tried seven different cables and none of them eliminate the ghosting. One of the most expensive ones actually had some of the worst ghosting, in fact. And this is all with the Performance VGA box, which I have decided to abandon, at least for its auto-switching purposes.

The D-link switchbox is nice and sturdy and in a metal case. I had no interferance when I used it at work and it is picking up my Mac's signal just fine. It's the Dreamcast VGA that isn't working. I doubt it's due to not having the keyboard or mouse plugged in--I don't have that plugged in for the computer, either.

And so it goes...


Yup, sounds like the VGA box. I've used Sega's official and Naki's not-so-official boxes, and both work well w/o any ghosting. That's odd about your KVM; does it also detect your PC video signal when it's in 640x480 mode?


If you can, ensure that all the proper pins are grounded on the VGA connector.  Performance may have cheaped out with the VGA output or merely forgotten to ground them all, and if your KVM uses those pins to sense a signal...

You should have, from memory, pins 5, 6-8 + 10 grounded, as well as the shield.


QuoteYup, sounds like the VGA box. I've used Sega's official and Naki's not-so-official boxes, and both work well w/o any ghosting. That's odd about your KVM; does it also detect your PC video signal when it's in 640x480 mode?
Grr--last time!

The only ghosting that happens is with the computer video through the Performance box, the Dreamcast video is sharp, clear, and non ghosting! The reason you had perfect video from your boxes is because you couldn't drive your computer video through them! And it's also only ghosting at 1600 lines. All resolutions work with the switchbox from my computer.

Interesting idea about the grounding--one that makes me wonder if you've stumbled upon the reason for the high-res ghosting. If I could fix it up by tying that ground to somewhere, it might fix the ghosting problem also, hmm...


OK, I was only trying to help, man. No need to get all bold on me here. Besides, writing like this takes way too long. You should've just yelled at me instead. :lol: