X68000 XVI Compact @20Mhz?

Started by X-Col, April 09, 2015, 10:54:57 PM

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Hi All,

a while ago there was a link to overclocking an XVI to 24Mhz and it looked very straight forward.
Here is the link to the tutorial: http://ponrevival.blogspot.com.es/2009_01_01_archive.html

Instead, I wondered if it was possible to just replace the 33Mhz crystal with a 40Mhz one and get 20Mhz instead of the standard 16Mhz on the Compact model?
I guessed that the other component was just to flick between the 16Mhz & 24Mhz.

Can someone in the 'know' tell me if this seems possible?


No takers eh.

Maybe I should just try it and see what happens  ;)


I haven't attempted any over clocking mods my self, to real X68k hardware yet. but 20MHz in theory might be a better choice for the processor, as the maximum rated clock speed for a Motorola made dual-in-package 68k is 20MHz, so the quad-flat-package version might be the same.