PIT FIGHTER original PCB config.

Started by emerald danjon, May 24, 2014, 09:26:13 AM

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emerald danjon

Hello all,

i need to know how i can configuate the Difficulty LVL on the original Atari PIT FIGHTER...,

i cant see any DIP o TEST button...,is strange :o,

and trying to find something on Google...i find the operator manual...but not answer to my question,

is possible maybe for do this...i need connect some other PCB...,i think this because i can see conectors on the PCB...,i hope no...,

i need to say this PCB is strange for me,the architecture is different to others,more complex,i don't like xD,

thanks in advance guys and have a nice Weekend!,



OK! on the sound board have an interruptor,if the board iniciaze with this "ON" just get strange colors...nothing more...,

but if you push "ON" when the board is running appears the TEST...,
