Question about ram compatibility compact model

Started by Sukerbole, April 07, 2014, 03:16:20 AM

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Dear Forum,

Just bougt two memory expansion boards:


SH-6BE-2/4M-1 (4 mb model)

Are they compatible with the XVI compact model?
I hope so  :)

I read somewhere that the I/O expansion boards only work at 10 MHZ. But on another forum I could find that this was only the case for the first official Sharp ones.

From shumps forum:

"As for what RAM upgrade you need, it depends on your model. 1mb machines must be internally upgraded to 2mbs first. The original model uses a special 1mb upgrade. The ACE/PRO uses a different type (they use different mounting brackets, but the RAM board itself is the same). After that you can use I/O slot boards. Most are 2mb or 4mb upgrades. The XSimX (10) allows you to use RAM sims and add up to 10mbs in one slot. (12mb is the max the machine can read).

The better machines come with 2mbs internally. Now the XVI and XVI Compact can have up to 8mbs internal before needed an I/O slot board. The XVI uses a werid looking dual connector thing. There was an official Sharp one, and also the XSimVI. The Compact's internal upgrade is different, and also there was an XSimVI Compact Version (do not confuse these). The 030s have 4mbs on the mobo and with the right internal boards, can have the full 12mbs with no I/O slot boards at all. For the the XVI and Compact, be aware the early Sharp RAM I/O boards are too slow, and only access at 10mhz. Most of the 3rd party boards by IO Data and the like are faster and do run at the full 16mhz access speed."

So my question is which of the boards I bought work in my compact and are fast enough for 16 Mhz.


Either one will work just fine.  I use an xsimm10 and it works fabulous.


Thanks for the feedback.
A good change than that I will get the full 12mb in the future :)

Again a short question:

There seem to be two great HD images.

Eidis V3
Baller V2

The Baller seems the image to go for if you have the full mem. Where Eidis is the original image.
Are these the latest versions? Or are there newer versions.


So it seems I can answer this one myself.
V3 is the latest version ( there's a topic on V4).
And there are newer version of Baller however not open to the public due to some "misunderstanding" on this forum. :'(


Yeah those two are the best out there.  The Eidis image is excellent if you just have a 2mb system (or a SASI based system) while the baller stuffs more games in there that can take advantage of higher ram systems.