Importance of Owning Multiple Midi modules

Started by kazekirifx, January 30, 2014, 01:03:03 PM

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Hi I'm new to this forum. I've owned an X68000 for about 8 years now, but have just recently taken the plunge and bought my first midi module. The module I always really wanted was the CM-500 (since it is basically an MT-32 and CM-32L in one), but auction prices have always been too expensive for my taste. Finally I gave in and bought a CM-300 (supposedly just a better-sounding version of SC-55 with less dials, according to Japanese Wikipedia) for dirt cheap.

Now I'm thinking about complimenting my CM-300 with maybe a CM-64 or CM-32L for maximum compatibility with more game titles, but my question is whether it is really necessary? I've heard that my CM-300 maybe has some backward compatibility with games intended to be used with mt-32 type "LA midi" titles. And if such compatibility exists, will it even sound right? Unfortunately my X68000 is in a different location from me right now and can't test anything yet.

My understanding of the "two types" of X68000 midi is from this chart from a now-defunct Japanese site. (BTW, I understand that GS is a midi format and LA is not a format, but a type of sound synthesis.)

Anyway, do you think I should also buy an LA midi module like a CM-64, CM-32L (or possibly an MT-32)? I love collecting old stuff like this, but at the same time I really should try to cut down on the amount of old hardware taking up space in my apartment. (Yeah, not much chance of that as a collector of old Japanese PCs.)


I think your best bet is a CM-64 to compliment your cm-300.  That will give you compatibility with 95% of what x68000 games support.  Some would also suggest a true GM midi module of some sort also but its not totally necessary.  I personally have a CM-64 and sc-55 and it seems like the perfect setup.


Thanks for your replies. You've helped me make my decision. I will try to get an LA sound module; preferably a CM-64 or whatever I can get my hands on for cheap.