Hardware switch button-redefiner for modded SNES controller

Started by Vertigo, May 11, 2012, 10:33:34 PM

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Looking at joining a Dreamcast arcade stick (2 rows, 3 buttons, start button) to a SNES via the prescribed method on this here website.
Dreamcast stick chosen because that's what I have and I'm generally happy with it.
By default, the presumption is that I'd choose a button layout like the CPS so, from top left to bottom right, L X R Y B A. This is beneficial where you want to use a stick on games that require an intuitive layout of the L and R buttons.
What if I want to change this in hardware via the use of a switch, so that the buttons are set to Y X L B A R, giving me the pleasure of having the four pad face buttons grouped in a nice diamond?
What component do I need to make this happen (presumably some sort of 6-output, dual-throw switch?), anyone got a product number or can point me at a picture?
Also need to put an extra button on the adaptor for the select button but that's nothing too scary.