High quality PlayStation 1/2 RGB European SCART cables

Started by Piratero, February 04, 2012, 10:11:02 PM

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Hello everyone.

Does anyone know of a reliable source of high quality (read: shielded) PlayStation European RGB Scart cables?

I say Euro and not Japanese only because I don't want to have to build a converter.


ixos rgb scart, reasonablish prices, around GBP30


quite rare nowaday, presume the quality of this cable is on par with the rest of the products - very good


That is some serious quality right there. Jesus, the price is a bit crazy especially here in the United States. I guess I shouldn't complain about that since I did specifically ask for high quality cables.

Is there a happy medium? Another problem is that it looks a bit out of place. All my other cables were custom made and official Nintendo RGB cable (typical look... black SCART enclosure).

Bump for more suggestions!


i don't think so, nintendo rgb are ok ( i have the super famicom shvc010 which are grey), but ixos is far better as it's audiophilic quality.

I suppose monster ( rip off price, apparently dodgy ripping of the non tech savvy quality) are avaliable ( more expenisive than ixos)


also QED are renowned for superb quality are available as well


i own qed and one ixos, far better than monster, cheaper as well