PlayStation 1 and Component Video

Started by Ocelot85, July 30, 2011, 12:35:37 PM

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I've got a question. Can I make a YCbCr output on a PS1 using the Red and Blue signals from RGB and the Luminance from S-Video?

I thought it would work but it didn't for me. It did display a picture, but it looked very pink.

Is there something missing here?


What's missing is the internal hardware. The Playstation 2 reuses some pins to produce component video, and switches them internally at the encoder. The original Playstation hardware has no such function. To get component output from the PSX or a PS1 you'll have to re-encode it outside of the console.


So what's missing? I thought component is just Red, Blue, Luminance with Composite sync.


It's not technically red and blue, but red-minus-luma and blue-minue-luma in the component video scheme. Reusing the R and B signals from the RGB output doesn't create an equivalent analog signal.


Dang. According to the CXA1645P/M Datasheet, "Built-in R-Y and B-Y modulator circuits" is listed as one of it's features. Would that mean it's possible to get component somehow?