Picture problem with RGB modded PC-Engine

Started by coresnet, July 11, 2011, 02:44:51 AM

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Hi all, i've recently bought a white PC-Engine (the first model with only RF output) and RGB modded it according to the various tutorials on the net. I made everything as it should (including the RGB 'amplifier' as the image was somewhat dark at first) but there's strange (for me) problem with the picture- it is somehow 'shifted' to the left of the screen, i mean there is an inch-thick black line on the right end of the screen and respectively missing inch-thick left part of the screen so i can't see all that's on the screen (hope you get it, i can't explain it well) ??? If anyone could help me with some advice i will be very grateful!


That's a common problem on displays that don't gracefully handle certain signals.  A lot of monitors do that when the signal they get isn't exactly what they're designed to accomodate.

This thread discusses a circuit that controls the horizontal shift of an image.


Thanks a lot! I haven't searched for it in the forum, apologise me for this. I would try the schematic, hope it works :)
EDIT: lol, i'm so stupid ;D the console automatically sends the TV in a/v mode when switched on, but i manually selected 'RGB' mode on my old 15-year-old SONY TV and the picture now is as it should be :P