GamePort to NES clone

Started by Azuritko, May 06, 2011, 11:47:04 PM

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Hi, I have a clone of NES with 15 pin port for gamepad and gamepad on PC with gameport. I know that one is digital and other analog. But it is somehow possible to make the gamepad with gameport work on NES clone?

Pinout for NES clone (db15) gamepads

              +-----------------> Data
               |                      +---> Ground
               |                      |
        8 \ o x x x x x x o / 1
             \ o x x o x x o /
          15 `~~~~~~~' 9
                |        |        |
                |        |        +----> Clock
                |        +----------> Latch
               +----------------> Power



Welcome to GamesX. For reference, please look at the NES controller pinout:

In a nutshell, the PC controller pinout has discrete directional and button inputs and expects an analog joystick input. The NES controller is a serial device. In order to connect one to the other, you'll need to use the encoder chip from a standard NES controller and wire the button inputs directly. As an advanced topic, you'll also need an analog-to-digital convertor so that the joystick input is converted to standard UDRL buttons. Please also look at the standard GamesX stick adapter tutorial here:


It's worth mentioning that the 15 pin port is actually part of the Famicom (Japanese NES) design and it's intended to connect things like lightguns and keyboards (or extra controllers, of course).

But original Famicoms can't have their controllers removed.

If your famiclone console is equipped with an 72 PIN cartridge connector but have the 15 PIN controller connection, it's an oddball unit indeed. :)

Here's a useful thread at which have the names for each pin on that connector and that should help you out on how to wire two controllers on it: