PC Engine Duo-R RGB Mod - Is 5V needed?

Started by mamejay, May 03, 2011, 05:00:00 PM

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Hi Guys,

Wondering if someone could help.
i am wanting to do a RGB mod on a PC Engine Duo-R console.
i was going to replace the 5 pin din socket with a 9 Pin din socket to maintain compatibility.
As there is not enough pins for all the outputs required i was going to drop the 5V line and replace that with sync signal.
i live in Australia and would only be using a SCART to component convertor or a Amiga 1084 monitor.

Is the 5V only required for switching of the SCART device to the correct AV input?
I suspect it is i just want to confirm.



The original connector has +5V, GND, L audio, R audio and Composite Video. Five pins. With the RGB mod, all you need to add are the R, G and B lines, so that makes eight. How can nine pins not be enough?  :)


Opps.  My bad.
I actually meant 8 pin connector.  So I need R,G,B,Sync,Left,Right, Comp and ground.
Do I need 5v?  From what I understand 5v is only needed to switch the AV mode on SCART TV's
As I am in Australia and SCART is scarce I would be using a SCART to component converter.


If your TV or monitor does not need the 5V signal then it is not required :-) It's up to you. You choose which outputs you need.


Quote from: mamejay on May 04, 2011, 08:42:21 PM
Opps.  My bad.
I actually meant 8 pin connector.  So I need R,G,B,Sync,Left,Right, Comp and ground.
Do I need 5v?  From what I understand 5v is only needed to switch the AV mode on SCART TV's
As I am in Australia and SCART is scarce I would be using a SCART to component converter.

You still have enough pins with the 8 pin din.Just remove sync/cvideo (depending on what your tv needs ,which will probably be cvid )The 1084 doesn't need the 5Vcc though,but an rgb tv  does need a voltage source of 1-3 Vcc (+),as this is what basically tells the tv to switch to rgb mode (auto av channel switching is different,not needed really).But as you're using a rgb to component device,i assume this doesn't need the 5Vcc source either.