How to open up a Sharp X68000 (a dummies guide!)

Started by CU_AMiGA, August 03, 2010, 07:42:14 AM

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hello everyone! :) i have got a sharp x68000 expert hd which unfortunately suffered a crack on the case during shipping. however i managed to get a sharp expert case in good nick. how on earth do i swap the case?! lol i unscrewed the bottom and the back of the system (cant get at the screws inbetween the towers) but the system wont budge! is there a step by step guide on how to take apart the sharp x68000 systems? i have seen this link on this forum which roughly describes it but still a little confusing.

is it possible for someone to do a dummies guide with some pics! lol ;) thanks for your time! :)


As that post suggests, it's tricky, but all you need to do is slide the side panels towards the rear of the machine.  The little plastic hook tabs are under the front panel/columns, and need to be pressed inwards as much as possible to release them.  Since the front panel/columns tend to twist as the side panels are pulled, you may try to keep them straight to prevent this.

There's only three screws on each panel you need to remove before they'll slide off.  (1) Remove screws, (2) slide panels back.  Honestly, if you still have trouble with the concept, you're an idiot.  If you still have doing it, you're one of us.  They're not easy for me, and I've done it a hundred times.


although i thought the end bit was a bit harsh and idiotic (i was gonna respond in kind earlier) i did find your tips helpful so thanks.


Harsh?  Not at all.  I suggested if you had trouble understanding the words, you were an idiot.  It was no kind of insult, nor any sort of suggestion you had trouble with the words.   Now, if you want to admit you didn't understand the words, well...  That's your choice.  I don't recommend it.  ;)

I went on to say if you were having trouble with the actual action, you were in the same boat as the rest of us.  Solidarity, brother!


thanks for the links. although the machine is fixed i ll keep a note of these just incase i run in to trouble again!


I didnt quite know wot you mean (word wise) but its sorted now so its yesterdays news!