Mitsubishi Megaview XC-3717c convergence

Started by skforty, July 24, 2010, 07:45:36 PM

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Hey all, does anyone know how to adjust the convergence on this bad boy?  Ive removed the case, adjusted screen, its a dual focus flyback as well.  But i cant find anything to adjust the convergence.  I also have some massive green bleeding, but turning down the G.Drive in the menu doesnt seem to help.  Turning down contrast DOES help it though, but then its too dark ive mostly found a sweet spot, but im curious why green is bleeding so much, is there a  hidden service menu?

Thanks for the help!


Convergence is a mechanical adjustment, though it won't help you much. Sounds like the picture tube is shot.


pardon my ignorance, why would the green color bleed on high contrast mean the tube is shot?  Whenever ive had this on my arcade games, it was just a matter of turning down that particular color.


Quote from: skforty on July 25, 2010, 03:53:33 AM
pardon my ignorance, why would the green color bleed on high contrast mean the tube is shot? 

The green electron gun is worn out. The previous owner liked to watch a lot of TV sport? Anyway, my point is that this is a fault, not a maladjustment, to fix it you'd have to replace the faulty component and that is the CRT.

If you doubt this, it's easy to test. Swap the red and green cathode connections  around. Does green still look poor?

Quote from: skforty
Whenever ive had this on my arcade games, it was just a matter of turning down that particular color.
Doesn't this defeat the purpose of using a high quality monitor?