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How to generate scsiexrom.dat and scsiinrom.dat roms for use with XM6 emulator

Started by eidis, May 29, 2010, 04:46:42 AM

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Here's a quick guide on how to generate scsiexrom.dat and scsiinrom.dat roms for use with
XM6 emulator.

Download xm6_206u.lzh from here:

Download Human68K v3.02 floppy image file from here:

Unarchive the contents of both archives to the same directory and launch xm6util.exe
Click on SCSI-ROM(SCSIINROM.DAT) and SCSI-ROM(SCSIEXROM.DAT) radio buttons and confirm
the OK prompts. You should now have a valid scsiexrom.dat and scsiinrom.dat rom for use in

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