I can't update my photo or avatar...

Started by Agentspikey95, February 04, 2004, 02:27:43 PM

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When i upload a new avatar, it shows the same old picture with the new picture's size, i tried all kinds of tricks to get it to work...even some old avatar tricks i learned at sega, and none of them work. is there a waiting period or something?
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My old skinny avatar is now the size of:
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I don't know what problems exactly you're having with your avatar.  There are size limits, but it won't stretch your image if it's undersized.  The picture you included in your second post is the same as your avatar, so if you 're seeing differences it's purely on your end.  Could be a cache problem, you might try flushing your cache and rebooting, or trying a different browser (And please let me recommend Opera!).


heh, it works now...cool!

Opera? Is it anything like mozilla?
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Opera's better than Mozilla.  It's not a free product, but it's got a phenomenal user interface, with far better and more consistant user interface.  Open source is nice, but too many cooks spoil the broth, ya know?  It seems most people's complaints about Opera are with the banner add in the menu bar, but it takes about a day for you to not notice it.  Set your location to Japan and you get all sorts of neat Japanese ads too.  =)



Oh nifty thanks, i'm downloading the free version now. Hopefully it'll be a little more friendly with RAR files than mozilla...
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I remember really liking opera about 7 years ago or whatever.  I'm currently using firebird though, it's kinda like mozilla... but better.

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I had real issues with Firebird, it was on the one hand very powerfull, fast and flexible - but on the other it wasn't nearly as consistant or intuitive as Opera.  One thing that REALLY pissed me off was on a web page with a text entry box (like an auction page) pressing TAB in Opera will jump to the first box you can actually type in, where in Firebird it cycles through every link on the page BEFORE you can do what you need to.  Opera uses Q and A for link movement, Z and X for page movement, and TAB to jump to boxes you can actually manipulate.  Very easy, very convenient.

If firebird has a similar option there's no mention of it in the poor documentation.

When I upgraded my Firebird I was told to delete my old profile and start over - which is not only a huge pain in the ass with all my settings and plugins, but there were no instructions on how to do it!!

If it was Opera asking you to upgrade they'd take care of you, make the changes (that EVERYONE has to do) without demanding the user jump through hoops or read documentation, but Firebird expects the user to do silly work.  Why force millions to do the same thing when the coders could do it themselves once and save everyone else the trouble?

That's when I abandoned Firebird.  =/


Heh, i can see why, besides the loads time on my slow computer, i'd hafta say this is the best ive tried so far
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I suggest Avant Browser.
Free and prolly the best browser i've ever had.


Firefox v.8 (formerly firebird) just came out, upgrading from firebird v.7 now carries over your settings and stuff, which is nice.  As for the tab moving between links... well that's the way IE works, I guess they were going for having people that are used to IE being able to use it easily.

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