XHE-3 Mega Drive to PC Engine Adapter

Started by CC_Devil, June 15, 2009, 09:29:11 PM

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I bought an XHE-3 on eBay under the impression it would allow me to connect Genesis / Mega Drive Pads on my PC Engine.
I've tried and it all works EXCEPT the second button (only the B button works).

I think it's because it's supposed to be a MSX to PCE Adapter rather than a MD to PCE Adapter, contrarily to what the Wiki says (http://www.gamesx.com/wiki/doku.php?id=pcexe1apsoft).
Since there are slight differences between MSX and Sega DB9 plugs (as seen on: http://gamesx.com/wiki/doku.php?id=controls:sega_master_system_controller), this would explain why the second button would not work.

However, Micomsoft sold this adapter as able to interface the MD XE-1 ST2 Joystick on the PCE, so I'm confused.
Could it be that it's because you're supposed to flip the switch on the stick to 'Personal Computer'  rather than 'Sega Series' when connecting to a PCE?

So, has anybody tried this before?
What's the real purpose of this adapter?

Thanks in advance!


I've seen those but never used 'em before.  You're right, if it's made for the MSX then that explains why your MD pad doesn't work.  There's definitely a difference between the MD and MSX, but you can either mod your pad or - a better idea - open the XHE-3 and rewire its inputs to use the MDs B + Start buttons.  Yeah, that's not ideal, but that'll also allow it to work with Master System pads.

Will correct the wiki now.


Thanks for your quick reply, Lawrence.

I've just ordered an XE-1ST2 stick from NCSX, so I will be able to test my theory with its MSX/Sega switch.

I've opened the XHE-3 and it does look a lot like the schematic you put up on the site for the PCE pads with the 74157 (http://gamesx.com/wiki/doku.php?id=controls:pc_engine_controller).
I'm not sure I want to mod it though since I'll use it primarily with the XE-1ST2 stick.
Plus I have the Tototek adapters to play my HRAP1/2 on the PCE already, and that's quite a lot of stick!

I'll let you know when I receive the  XE-1ST2.



I got the stick today and I can confirm what I suspected: the XHE-3 is purely an MSX to PCE adapter, and not a Sega to PCE adapter.
The only reason why the XE-1ST2 fully works with it (i.e. all buttons) is because it has a PC/Sega switch on it.

Pretty awesome piece of kit too: Sega/MSX compat , 4/8 directions switch (no need to swap restrictor plate!) , A/B/C buttons plate can rotate...
The only downside is that it's a bit small/cramped compared to an HRAP.


Yeah, micomsoft made some great stuff.  When you get a chance, crack it open and take some pics, will ya?  =D