N64 Controller to SNES or NES

Started by simonbelmont2, May 08, 2009, 04:47:55 PM

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How to convert or create an adaptor for n64 controller to work on SNES or NES; it's possible?


The standard method is to remove the encoder from the source controller and wire the buttons directly to the chip in a pad compatible with the target system. The GamesX tutorial here shows an adapter for a Neo Geo controller to be used on a Playstation, and the principles are the same:


If you don't want to eliminate the original functionality of the N64 controller, that that requires creating a decoder that will produce a different controller output. Programming of PIC units is off-topic for GamesX.


I don't understand how to do this :(

The standard method is to remove the encoder from the source controller (what encoder you talk about) and wire the buttons directly to the chip  in a pad compatible with the target system (what chip you talk about?)

You may refer to this:
Remove the chip from the n64 controller then put the chip and the plug from the nes controller on the n64 controller then wire the buttons directly to the chip?


That's exactly what I'm talking about. But you've indicated in your private message that you don't want to destroy any controller and want a solution that converts a signal directly. That requires a box.

A PIC is a programmable integrated circuit. Not quite a full microprocessor, it has basic writable ROM and instruction capabilities. You would have to program one to accept the serial signal from an N64 controller. Then you would have to program it to produce output that the NES or SNES can interpret, in the same way that the encoder chip in the real NES controller does.

Then, you wire a female N64 controller port to the input of the PIC. This will allow you to plug in the N64 controller directly. Then you wire a male NES or SNES controller cable to the output of the PIC. This will allow you plug the device directly into an NES or SNES without having to destroy an existing Nintendo controller.

Remember that the serial signals used by the N64 and the S/NES consoles are not compliant with the RS232 standard. That means you can't just Google the term 'serial signal' and expect to find results on how to program the thing. You'll need detailed instructions and white papers on the decoder and encoder ICs used in each game console.

Again, programming is off-topic for GamesX. Composing the assembly code that goes into the PIC is left as an exercise for you. Put another way, I won't write it for you.


So... for the method 2: destroy the n64 controller; what can I do?

UPDATE: I've remake the schematic for nes controller chip.
I've made something wrong or the schematic is good?



Desolder and remove the encoder chip from the N64 controller.

Wire the individual switches for each button (D-pad, Start, A, B, and another button to be select) to the inputs on an NES encoder chip.

This process involves destroying two controllers, an N64 pad and an NES pad. Here's a link to the GamesX page with the pinout of the NES encoder chip:


You keep asking questions that would be answered with a simple reading of older forum content. I'd like to encourage you to read the controller primer pages and previous forum topics on related questions. To that end, I'm closing this topic.