LM1881N or...

Started by Blaine, August 01, 2008, 02:11:55 PM

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The only reason I'm asking is, for whatever reason, they have free shipping on samples of the LMH1981 and shipping on the LM1881N samples cost almost $13.

Am I just asking for trouble trying to mess with this chip? Should I try his brother the LMH1980 instead? Or should I just pay for my free sample and stop mooching off of semiconductor companies?
If you can mod it... I'll find a way to screw it up!


If you're not afraid of TSSOP packages then go for it...

Quote from: Blaine on August 01, 2008, 02:11:55 PM
Or should I just pay for my free sample and stop mooching off of semiconductor companies?
"Try our great postage service and get an LM1881 absolutely free"

But really...Do you get your capacitors as free samples from Jamicon? Resistors from Rhom? There's a reason that shops/distributors exist.


Quote from: viletim on August 01, 2008, 09:42:49 PM
But really...Do you get your capacitors as free samples from Jamicon? Resistors from Rhom? There's a reason that shops/distributors exist.

... I know I could google it, and I have the reading comprehension skills to recognize context clues... but I'll just be honest and admit I never heard of either of them. So I wouldn't try to get components from them. But I do know what you're saying.

I won't lie, part of it is that if I can get a part free legally, then I'm more likely to do a project than if I had to purchase it (since, as the Official Worst Member of GamesX, there's a 90% chance I'll just wind of breaking something).

Same thing, I would never have tried to build a Dreamcast VGA box except for the fact that I could get the ic from Texas Instruments for free. That one, also, broken.

If I screw up with parts I paid for, I feel like I wasted money - money I could have used to buy a solution (at the cost of a feeling of accomplishment). If I screw up with free parts, it's just a learning experience.

So I do see your point. But the truth is, I'm so damn snakebitten when it comes to mods... it'll probably all end in tears anyways.
If you can mod it... I'll find a way to screw it up!


i might have some lm1881's in my shed if you happen to be in australia.. you'd just pay postage.

looking on national.com they actually do offer lm1881N samples.. http://www.national.com/mpf/LM/LM1881.html scroll down and click samples next to lm1881n | mdip

i cant speak for the rest of us, but the way i see it is if you can buy something for $50 at one store or $70 at another, where would you go? this is the same, except one's free, which should make your choice pretty clear:P most electronics stores charge huge amounts for ic's aswel.. i cant remember what ic it was now, i think it was this one even, i bought one from my local electronics  store, it was $10 for one, and they took a week to order it in for me.. national.com gave me 5 or 6 for free with a week shipping time. i dont think i even used any in the end, so i wasted $10.