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Got X68000 Box Art?

Started by Sotu, June 14, 2008, 09:58:20 PM

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Been looking EVERYWHERE and the only place I've found any is on Yahoo Auctions Japan.  Do any of you have a nice collection of X68000 games you'd be willing to scan and post the fronts? 

I'm on a mission to collect as many as I can to share to other enthusiasts but I'm having a heck of a time finding any.

Real shame because the artwork for the x68k games was really nice for the most part.


I'm not a big fan of box art scans, I've never had a use for them myself.  I can't help but believe the only people who would want them are just pirates looking for images for their ROM collection.  What else are they good for?


Some artwork can be found here:


Funny you mention that Lawrence because that's exactly why I need them.  All these Shmups and no box art to show them off.  Now that XBMC has command line support and roms can be loaded directly instead of entering the emu I've got an X68000 that looks just like an Xbox! =))

Thanks for the link!



I really gotta say that I don't care much for your problems.  Maybe it's my nearly-complete collection of real X68000 action games, or the fact that they were all very easy to find and cheap to purchase, that makes me unsympathetic to your cause.  Or maybe it's this forum's long-standing NO PIRACY rule.

In any case, I'd prefer that conversations about ROMs and related shenanigans be held elsewhere.  This forum is about real X68000s and the glorious fun it is to own one.


I'm locking this topic, everybody. As this is Lawrence's board, he sets the rules and we won't discuss or negotiate them within separate topics. Piracy, ROM trading and related practices aren't tolerated.