Started by l_oliveira, March 11, 2008, 10:35:33 PM

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I had to make this for myself and I am sharing here. I don't know if anyone has done it before.

S-RGB pin 17 has Y
S-RGB pin 12 has C

Y is output to the A/V connector through a 220microfarads elco with the + side attached to pin 17 and - side connected to the A/V port in series to a 75 ohm resistor.

C is connected to the A/V port through a 100nano farads ceramic capacitor and a 75 ohm resistor. 

Coupling capacitors do exist on the older versions of the SNES console, connected to the ground.

S-RGB chip pin 17|-------------- + -||- - --------------|R75ohm|------------|pin 7 A/V port
S-RGB chip pin 12|-------------------||------------------|R75ohm|------------|pin 8 A/V port

If anyone could ADD this to the wiki with the RGB mod for the SNESJr it would be nice ...