master system boarders

Started by phreak97, June 13, 2005, 03:24:10 AM

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ok, why does the sms have such huge ass boarders in 50hz? i know 50hz induces boarders on most older consoles, but comparing the snes to the master system, the master system hase massive ones. the screen is squashed to crap.
another thing i have noticed, moreso with the sms2, is that the whole picture is too far left. has anyone else noticed this?


Quoteok, why does the sms have such huge ass boarders in 50hz? i know 50hz induces boarders on most older consoles, but comparing the snes to the master system, the master system hase massive ones. the screen is squashed to crap.
another thing i have noticed, moreso with the sms2, is that the whole picture is too far left. has anyone else noticed this?
You can fix that problem in your tv's service menu.
You can go into the service menu of your television and change a million different settings that are NOT available through the regular user menu.
You can change stuff like Vertical Size, Vertical Position, Horizontal Size, Horizontal Position, Color Temperature, Keystone Correction, Red Amp Level, Green Amp Level, Blue Amp Level, Pincusion Amp, etc, etc.
You should write down all the settings for each item in the service menu on paper before you change anything.
If you have a sony tv, then the Sony Service Menu Code should get you into the service menu.
The Code Can be found here.

If you have a different brand tv, you'll probably have to find the service menu code on the web.


the boarders arent that freaking huge on any other consoles. and they are the same on my other tv's/monitors with both my sms's aswel. also i have looked to hell for the code to get into the service menu on my tv, it's panasonic, but none of the panasonic methods work. and im not opening it to ground a test point. i guess nobody cares about pal tv's


I dunno exaclty why the borders are so conspicuous. I think sega were just trying to compinsate for the overscan of most TVs, the '50hz squash' just makes it worse. Most other consoles have the problem in reverse, some of the picture lies beyond the edge of the screen.

You could probably play with the TV's adjustments and get a full screen picture but it's probably not a wise thing to do, unless it's going to be a dedicated SMS TV that is.

TVs older than about 10 years (and some newer) don't have a service mode, all the adjustments are made internaly, by hand. Newer TVs will have a service menu which can be accessed by following the directions in the service manual. Don't even think about accessing service mode without one (you can easily damage a TV by making the wrong adjustements and it's often in hex, not decimal).


my tv is new. and the overscan is mostly only a problem in the world of ntsc


It's because the SMS' vertical resolution was so low to begin with (192 lines, usually) that there is so much border area.  There is a doc over at that explains PAL SMS differences.  Indeed, it also says that the vertical image is even more squashed on PAL machines.


Yes, that would explain it. I had a look for the master system video resolution info but came up with higher numbers....probably a theoretical maximum or something.

All CRT TVs overscan (joe public really doesn't like to see his TV underscan, he thinks it's faulty). The ammount varies between factories/mfgs and whether it's a problem or not depends on the owner.


i thought you meant overscan caused by improper conversion of line numbers.

Cyber Axe

i've actally been wondering if its possible to disable overscan on the master system and megadrive i'd imagine someone would have posted a hack if it was but no harm in asking (even on a 3 year old topic :P)

and just incase anyone actually happens to have it does anyone know the service code for a Schneider NR Cinema 2819?