VGA to Scart in RGB, DIRECTLY.

Started by Ryo, December 31, 2003, 01:50:08 AM

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Hi all, I've been a regular visitor, as I despise now-standard composite cables for consoles :P.

After some researches and half working projects, I finally found a way to output a RGB scart signal directly from the VGA plug (not from the TVout). All is located here:

Note that English part is currently incomplete (lacks the DVD appendix), and both lack an emulation appendix (the main reason of the project), but I should complete them soon.



Quick question.
How do you get the horizontal scan down to the 15Khz required by a normal TV set? Obviously this is doable using a TV-out card but they only usually offer up composite or S-Video as output options, so I'm wondering how you're tapping a VGA port and seemingly just wiring it directly to a SCART plug. Surely this will just result in the TV shutting down as it receives a signal that's out of range.
Or not?


the powerstrip program mentioned lets you tweak with your video card far more than generic windows options ever did, including dropping the resolution and scanrate to otherwise vga-incompatible levels.

this project seems to be about sending your display from one computer over a network cable to a secondary machine that then displays on on a scart TV via that powerstrip prog.


So there is software involved. I see. I probably wouldn't have picked up on that because I don't read French. Thanks.


it said,

Optional, but very useful

So, he thinks Powerstrip is not a must..


For normal cards you need a utility to drop down the horizontal refresh rate to around 15kHz.

PowerStrip works on a fair number of cards in Windows.
There are several DOS TSRs (don't work with Windows, even 9x).
Trident Blade3D and Matrox G400 cards have drivers by Saka that let you do 15kHz in Windows.

And then there's the ultimate 15kHz card, the ArcadeVGA from . It runs in 15kHz from bootup, even in Windows without special drivers(you could even run the default drivers in Windows, if you don't mind 16 colors and 640x480 interlaced). Capable of running a large number of non-interlaced 15kHz modes. It's designed for Mame use.

So, PowerStrip is optional, but you either need other software or the ArcadeVGA.


Quoteit said,

Optional, but very useful

So, he thinks Powerstrip is not a must..
err, nope PS is REQUIRED (for my project at least), that's
-2 PCs networked, and communicating via TCP/IP.
-VNC server on the ATI-equipped PC (from now on will be referred as compA); VNC Viewer on the other PC (which will be called compB).

that is optionnal :)

And Tom, I did not now about such a card, but my assembly is a more general purpose (Emulation, DVD, divxbox, games). You only need a Radeon 7xxx for emus, dvd/divx (really cheap nowadays); And if you already have a more powerfull card (9500/9600/9700/9800) for gaming, it works too, making the card a swiss knife. ;) not to mention that it works under win, and doesn't need rebooting into DOS/Nux/whatever.