Wii Remote Speaker Replacement

Started by Xtra_Zero, December 14, 2006, 05:02:11 PM

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Alright.  I'm a bit disappointed with the quality (or lack thereof) of the Wiimote speaker.  Are higher quality speakers of that size even made?  I really want to replace it with a better one, as that overblown distortion really tends to annoy me.


The quality of the speaker itself isn't to blame as near as I can tell, it's the quality of the sound samples.  The Wiimote doesn't use a super-high-bandwidth channel for communications, there's only a limited amount of bandwidth for the sound channel, and really, why would you want CD-quality sound coming from your controller?

Short answer: A new speaker won't help.

If your controller is cranked up too far then you might get clipping.  Turn it down and see.


I like my sword clashes to sound like clangs and not crunches. :[  I had a feeling it was gonna be more complicated than I expected. Argh.


QuoteI like my sword clashes to sound like clangs and not crunches. :[  I had a feeling it was gonna be more complicated than I expected. Argh.
Not realy a fix but I discovered if you turn your Wiimote's volume down all the way, Twilight Princess mixes the sounds back into the main audio.  Other games may do this as well.
Formerly 'butter_pat_head'


Interesting.  I'll have to mess with that.