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GZeus has a gripe.

Started by NFG, December 08, 2006, 05:46:36 PM

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GZeus, while confusing this forum and my behaviour with his past experiences with other people, managed to run smack into that problem many people do: wanting to belong to a community doesn't mean you're qualified or suitable for that community.  They're not going to welcome you with open arms just because you want in, they're not here for YOU.  They're the community, and if you want to join or participate, you have to follow the rules.

It's that simple: you want in, you play by the rules.  I personally don't care about anyone's opinion if they can't be bothered to express it in a civilized manner.  Derailing a thread because 'ooh, I'm so angry right now!' is not done around here.

Anyway, GZeus, had the following to say.  He wasn't capable of keeping it to the relevent forum (ie: this one) so I moved it to here.  I don't typically believe in censoring opinions, in case you're wondering why I didn't just delete it.  


I'm just stating my experience(and of course it's different. It's a different place with different people. Stating the obvious doesn't change anything) and telling it how I see it.

I don't feel like PMing you, because people drunk on power don't pay attention to things said to them unless it's before the eyes of others.

Do I care if I 'last long' here?

This is a theoretical place run the adjectives...).
It doesn't exist. It's a gathering of nerd-it-alls.
Am I a nerd-it-all? Hell yeah.
I sure could,'s fucking pathetic.
otaku no seikatsu ha anmari nasakenai!

Game dweebs are not cool.
Rockers are.
That's why I'm a guitar dweeb, too.(actualy I just love music, but this is funnier.)

In short, this is a thread about MAKING VIDEO CABLES. It's NOT POSSIBLE to be cool here.
And you're trying to act smart when you're supporting a thread that involves using damned paper clips.
I thought you were doing it AFTER the connecting pins in lieu of soldering and I thought THAT was retarded. CRAMMING THEM INTO YOUR SYSTEM?????

Good LORD.

"I just spent $250 on this piece of electronic gear. I think I'll JAM SOME HUNKS OF IRON IN HERE WHERE SENSETIVE VIDEO COMPONENTS ARE RIGHT NEXT TO DC VOLTAGE."
And you called him stupid.

Dude, I was done with this place a while ago. I was hoping things would get better.
But what I call 'Tower of Babel' syndrome is unavoidable on the internet.
Too many people get together, the 95% rule kicks in(95% of people being unsuited for whatever they're trying to do, to put it nicely) and now there are too many people in general to keep track, mob IQ law kicks in, and people start shoving iron filings into their electronics.
"Here's an alternative image, is this ok?"


I find most of this to be nonsensical and generally irritating.  Does it require a response?


heh, I know that guy, he's on the Sega-16 forum trolling there too, putting down other members (including me btw)..

He's bashing me, cause I made a Sega Genesis run Mac OS, and wouldn't let me explain HOW I did it..  no matter what I explained, it wasn't good enough for him..  even after I finally showed a picture of the unit actually running, it was only "slightly" better for him...  (geez, I always thought a picture was worth a million)...

Lawrence, be warned about him..


One of the reasons I don't run my own forum (or do anything that requires coordination of people) is that I'm easy to take advantage of. People want help, and so I'm inclined to help them. I frequently confuse them with people who want a handout, or people who want something for nothing, or people who just want to see me try impossible things.

I've learned that the difference is that people who just need a little help are gracious, grateful, and generous in return. Those who get angry with free help probably didn't need or deserve it to begin with. It's appropriate to be that way if you're paying someone for a service, but not when someone volunteers for no compensation.

GZ doesn't deserve a response, but it doesn't hurt to leave his message as part of the record. In spite of the mood he was in when he posted, there are a few legitimate observations hidden in there between exclamations. That's by way of saying that people who provide the free help should also be forgiving and understanding, even when it's not strictly necessary.

-KKC, doing fun things with Smart Cards.


QuoteGZ doesn't deserve a response, but it doesn't hurt to leave his message as part of the record. In spite of the mood he was in when he posted, there are a few legitimate observations hidden in there between exclamations. That's by way of saying that people who provide the free help should also be forgiving and understanding, even when it's not strictly necessary.
I'm not entirely sure if you're on my side or not, but I like the gist of the message: Appreciate the help you get, and don't give people shit 'cause they're not helpful enough.

At least, I think that's the gist.  =)


That's the gist, and I'm on your side. I'm cursed with the ability to understand GZ's point of view even as I disagree with most of it. It's his problem if his expectations aren't being met, as that's entirely under his own power. We're not here to spoon-feed anybody.



I like how he tries to paint a picture of his "coolness" by incinuating he is a guitarist.  


Quoteheh, I know that guy, he's on the Sega-16 forum trolling there too, putting down other members (including me btw)..

He's bashing me, cause I made a Sega Genesis run Mac OS, and wouldn't let me explain HOW I did it..  no matter what I explained, it wasn't good enough for him..  even after I finally showed a picture of the unit actually running, it was only "slightly" better for him...  (geez, I always thought a picture was worth a million)...

Lawrence, be warned about him..

You made claims that are(still are) impossible, ED.
I still don't buy it.
Well, at least 60% of it is most likely you misunderstanding waht your fellow programmers did and thinking it's doing things it cannot(like run full color depth at a resolution as high as you claim).
"it just does" is NEVER a good enough explaination. I didn't accept it from creationists in my (former)church, and I don't need to in regard to computer sciences. (can you TELL I no longer care about being here?? it's like being around CHRISTIANS or something...)

I don't see why you people seem to think I really want to be part of this...'place.'

When I first came here I thought it was here to be helpful and share information.

Now I see it's one man's ego trip.

I tried to tell L that he was behaving in a manner unsuitable for social discourse(read: being a dick that would be banned from a forum run by another person) because I'd behaved like that myself in the past, and been banned.

And ED. One other person ever caught flak from me on sega-16, and he's a dicktard, and always shall be. I was a fool to let him drag me off topic and fall for his trolling for a whole thread. hell, I can't even remember what that thread started as, he dragged it so many ways. You should be careful who you associate with, as you communicating with that person in any manner other than to correct their strange leaps of logic and hair splitting casts doubt on your authenticity.

I'm not a troll, I'm crass when someone waves their cock in my direction.

This thread's very existence is proof that this is all this site is:
Shit, so do I, but I don't go making sites about it. I got over that when I was 17.

The gist of my point:
if you make a website designed to provide info, don't get pissed when people ask for info.
If you don't make people register, don't get upset when people that wouldn't fill out a form to save their life post on your boards.
If someone offers new info, don't bite their head off and say "READ MY WEBSITE!!! IT"S RIGHT!! FUCK YOU!!!" or something to that effect.
Basically, you're a discourteous asshead and a poor host.
There's no excuse for being rude in a rebuke when no harm has come to you.
It's possible to be firm and kind at the same time, hell fuck kind, as a host I expect people to be polite.
Am I being polite? FUCK NO, This is not an environment that cultivates that attitude!

It seems designed to lord bullshit knowledge over others and a kind of "LOOK WHAT I CAN DO!" attitude that while interesting, is not impressive.

(Oh, and the guitarist thing was IRONY. And you have all failed THAT test. if people have no sense of irony, then I have NO time for them.
Didn't you notice 'guitar GEEK'?? I can recite the vacuum tube compliment of around 20 different amplifiers that spans a 50 year period of time. I can give you impedence and magnetics specs of various pickups and speakers for any number of instruments. I can MAKE some of these things. That's as nerdy as it gets, and I'm not alone.

Secret: all guitarists are either losers or geeks.
Losers can't play for shit and drink themselves to death.
Geeks play weird or well, and may or may not drink themselves to death.
Neither one is anything any 'cooler' than anyone here, they're just more likely to get laid by women they will regret ever meeting later in life. It doesn't work on guys, somehow... But I'm no sociologist. Just stating observations.

Playing guitar is like smoking:
it doesn't make you cool, but it makes you look cool to people who don't know better.)


Oh grow up..  We don't need your kind here..

This forum is for the INTELLIGENT discussion (and educating those that want to learn)..  Something you OBVIOUSLY can't do..  No, you troll, bash, and put people down..  That is something I would NEVER do.  It's against my own morals..  (something you lack too)..

Joe Redifier knows more about the SEGA platform, than you do..  I known him longer than you even been on the forum, and he's a smart man.  You're just too uptight and insecure...

And my claims were accurate.. It's not my fault you don't understand it, and just repeat what others said (before I explained it)..  Why don't you learn programming, and how hardware works, before you ever bash someone..  Got that?  Because as far as I am concerned, EVERYONE knows your a troll (and trust me, I've been warned about you, and even been warned AFTER I saw for myself how you acted on the SMS forum)..  (yep, I surf around the net, I've seen you places..  Your behavior is pitifull).


QuoteOh grow up..  We don't need your kind here..

This forum is for the INTELLIGENT discussion (and educating those that want to learn)..  Something you OBVIOUSLY can't do..  No, you troll, bash, and put people down..  That is something I would NEVER do.  It's against my own morals..  (something you lack too)..

Joe Redifier knows more about the SEGA platform, than you do..  I known him longer than you even been on the forum, and he's a smart man.  You're just too uptight and insecure...

And my claims were accurate.. It's not my fault you don't understand it, and just repeat what others said (before I explained it)..  Why don't you learn programming, and how hardware works, before you ever bash someone..  Got that?  Because as far as I am concerned, EVERYONE knows your a troll (and trust me, I've been warned about you, and even been warned AFTER I saw for myself how you acted on the SMS forum)..  (yep, I surf around the net, I've seen you places..  Your behavior is pitifull).
Joe redifer quotes sega spec books without understanding their meaning. He treated the output of the MD's video chip as though it was NTSC spec. memorization=/=understanding. he's a twat.
Reason he's a twat:
He dragged a thread into a mire through a series of split hairs all just so he could be 'right.' he was kinda right to begin with, and so was I, but that wasn't good enough for him.

You will not earn my trust until you SOMEHOW explain how a 32X can use up it's entire memory as VRAM and still somehow run a program.
"It Just does" won't cut it.
"Someone else programmed it" well, they were willing to piss countless hours of their life away for you, they can probably spare 10 minutes.

You never made any claims that were backed up with real facts. The 8mhz 68k is running a program that emulates SCSI, the OS, acessing the 'extra' RAM through a device that's somehow violating mathematics and you spent far too long saying "it just does" for me to ever really trust you.

Oh and...photoshop.
Forget photoshop, I could make a setup that looks just like that in about 15 minutes(hmm...actually, my mac's internal memory battery might be dead...or was that the old ass PC...).

Where on the SMS forum? I hardly post there. it's all about programming, and they lack irony(too much time with no abstracts will do that to you).
See, I don't spend the majority of my time on the net.
And I don't pay attention to the other non-humans. (YOU ARE NOT A PERSON. YOU ARE LINES OF TEXT.) unless they give me a reason.
I wasn't sure who you were until you repeated your claim which you've never actually explained in any amount of detail.

Trolls do things for their entertainment and put up false fronts. I refuse to put up a false front and this is far from entertaining. it's fucking annoying.


I explained all that, so you failing to READ them is your own pathetic fault..

The SegaCD emulated the SCSI...  Since it's CPU was sitting there doing nothing, it was put to use..

How the Genesis accessed the extra RAM on the cart was ALSO said, the 32X repeated certain addresses to poke and peek the RAM..

Also, extra VRAM was ALSO said too..  Access to the EXTERNAL RAM...

My Photoshop skills are only good for doing simple things..  I would like you to try and explain how I could have photoshopped that picture, considering all wires were accounted for...  (that was why the picture was a portrait)...

and I never said "it just does"..  that's YOU talking, asshole...

I'm not gonna explain ANYTHING to you, until you learn how to READ...

Oh, and Joe would know NTSC..  He does those kinda things...  And the Genesis DOES output NTSC..  If you say that's not true, Geez, that's VERY sad..  I think you should read this:

I'm not a liar, I'm not mean, I'm not here to start crap (or there at Sega-16)..  Actually, I help people..  I even COUNSEL people..

(and for proving facts that were thought not correct, ask Lawrence, I corrected him twice in his own Cartridge/Expansion port pinouts..  and guess what, I was right...)

The only hoax I ever pulled was running OS X on a Dell laptop..  I did that only because there was a lot of fanboys, and my friends told me to do it..  (and it wasn't even photoshoped..  It was a crappy video quality video just running VNC on the laptop)

Trolls do things for their entertainment and put up false fronts.

Oh, like you?  Look pal, I got more experience than you, I have always tinkered with electronics, since I was freakin born (and im not joking on that either)...  I push things to the limit, it's what I do, it's how I do the things I do..  Like my NES DVD Player (which I barely talk about), I made a NES play DVDs, simply by building the logic board for the bottom expansion port, a BIOS cart, an ESS Video Drive decoder, and an Overlay chip..  (the same type of thing the 32X did)


OH the virtual console thread.
Where I had assumed that people would understand that 'Good enough' meant 'good enough for the purpose at hand' or 'accurate' as opposed to 'I can throw together something in VB that can run Alex Kidd with a few frames skipped.'

I know what an emulator is supposed to do, and since no one there KNOWS what level of emulation is going on they should have kept their traps shut or said something along the lines of "while possible it's more likely...." as opposed to "WAHT THE FUC? FUK U!! I BELEIVE A PROGRAM IS PERFECT WHEN IT CAN DO EXACTLY WHAT IS NEEDED OF IT AT THIS MOMENT, AND DAMN ALL FORWARD (irony)COMPATIBILITY!"


QuoteOH the virtual console thread.
Where I had assumed that people would understand that 'Good enough' meant 'good enough for the purpose at hand' or 'accurate' as opposed to 'I can throw together something in VB that can run Alex Kidd with a few frames skipped.'

I know what an emulator is supposed to do, and since no one there KNOWS what level of emulation is going on they should have kept their traps shut or said something along the lines of "while possible it's more likely...." as opposed to "WAHT THE FUC? FUK U!! I BELEIVE A PROGRAM IS PERFECT WHEN IT CAN DO EXACTLY WHAT IS NEEDED OF IT AT THIS MOMENT, AND DAMN ALL FORWARD (irony)COMPATIBILITY!"
ehh, you do know that emulators are usually assembly, and C++, right?

and you were apparently talking to the emulator author..  So that shows right there, of what you DONT know..


QuoteI explained all that, so you failing to READ them is your own pathetic fault..

The SegaCD emulated the SCSI...  Since it's CPU was sitting there doing nothing, it was put to use..

How the Genesis accessed the extra RAM on the cart was ALSO said, the 32X repeated certain addresses to poke and peek the RAM..

Also, extra VRAM was ALSO said too..  Access to the EXTERNAL RAM...

My Photoshop skills are only good for doing simple things..  I would like you to try and explain how I could have photoshopped that picture, considering all wires were accounted for...  (that was why the picture was a portrait)...

and I never said "it just does"..  that's YOU talking, asshole...

I'm not gonna explain ANYTHING to you, until you learn how to READ...

Oh, and Joe would know NTSC..  He does those kinda things...  And the Genesis DOES output NTSC..  If you say that's not true, Geez, that's VERY sad..  I think you should read this:

I'm not a liar, I'm not mean, I'm not here to start crap (or there at Sega-16)..  Actually, I help people..  I even COUNSEL people..

(and for proving facts that were thought not correct, ask Lawrence, I corrected him twice in his own Cartridge/Expansion port pinouts..  and guess what, I was right...)

The only hoax I ever pulled was running OS X on a Dell laptop..  I did that only because there was a lot of fanboys, and my friends told me to do it..  (and it wasn't even photoshoped..  It was a crappy video quality video just running VNC on the laptop)
You MAY have said something about external VRAM once at most. "may have allocated some DRAM for it's video" MAY. You never qualified that.

As OTHER people addressed this same issue we were met with 'it just does' at least 3 times.

If the SCD comminicates with the Genesis mainly with flags(IF I said and I AM quoting someone else) how is it doing that much work?

See, this all should have been in your FIRST POST there. it wasn't.
You were evasive and vague. I wasn't the only one there who thoguht it was fake. I was just the one who wanted it to be true the most, so I cared.

I lust laughed out loud. A shaking ugly image isn't an increased resolution. it's a headache.
Perhaps the internal conversion process in your LCD smoothed that out, but to someone  using anything else...HAHAHAH OUCH.

"It just does" is a paraphrase, dipstick. Again, I cannot abide people who lack abstract thinking.
I'm mildly autistic and you netizens drive me insane! Sarcasm is a joy to you(HOW?? No tone of voice!!) and yet irony(which requires no tone) is beyond you.
Simple things like shortening "it's very hard to describe in text," "I may have done something" "Someone else programmed it, I'm not sure" into 'It Just Works because I say so" is a huge hurdle.

asking people who don't know you to trust you is the act of either a fool or a con-man.
Which would you prefer?


QuoteOH the virtual console thread.
Where I had assumed that people would understand that 'Good enough' meant 'good enough for the purpose at hand' or 'accurate' as opposed to 'I can throw together something in VB that can run Alex Kidd with a few frames skipped.'

I know what an emulator is supposed to do, and since no one there KNOWS what level of emulation is going on they should have kept their traps shut or said something along the lines of "while possible it's more likely...." as opposed to "WAHT THE FUC? FUK U!! I BELEIVE A PROGRAM IS PERFECT WHEN IT CAN DO EXACTLY WHAT IS NEEDED OF IT AT THIS MOMENT, AND DAMN ALL FORWARD (irony)COMPATIBILITY!"
ehh, you do know that emulators are usually assembly, and C++, right?

and you were apparently talking to the emulator author..  So that shows right there, of what you DONT know..
I was talking to AN emulator author.
And yes, they DO in fact probram most of their little one-man, never look at any open-source emus over there in VB.
Even I know it's retarded.

I was talking about the Virtual Console, which was coded by professionals(though apparantly getting the PC Engine right was SOOO difficult...maybe they were emulating composite video) who had access to every tiny bit of design spec.
Hell, this year tons of time was spent getting that Genesis compilation right! Granted, that was very game-specific, but the VC is designed for compatibility(fuck, it'd BETTER be!).

So, SMS people had no right to call me stupid for giving the benefit of the doubt to Sega/Nintendo's programmers.
They knew as much as me, and were looking at trees when I was talking about a forest.


i never asked anyone to trust me, i just want to be able to state facts.

perhaps i should just say this out in the public then, since you obviously don't know me well enough..  im autistic..  it's why i don't ANSWER things well enough.. because I "do" things, but sometimes I can't explain what I did...  (if i said it just works, it's because I didn't document something, and can't explain what's it's doing)

so, please get off my ass..  it works fine for me, and that's all I care about..

oh, and if it wasn't my idea to even post it on the forum, why would i lie then?  especially if this was announced TWO years ago when I started the project?  sounds weird to lie for TWO whole years, don't you think?

but, because you were so rude to me, and rude to OTHERS, im not answering anymore of your questions..  and that's what you'll have to get used to, about me..  (never bite the hand that feeds-------and I was going to release schematics to the PCB, but forget it now, you totally just shot that idea out of the water, because I fear people like you stealing the design)


QuoteOH the virtual console thread.
Where I had assumed that people would understand that 'Good enough' meant 'good enough for the purpose at hand' or 'accurate' as opposed to 'I can throw together something in VB that can run Alex Kidd with a few frames skipped.'

I know what an emulator is supposed to do, and since no one there KNOWS what level of emulation is going on they should have kept their traps shut or said something along the lines of "while possible it's more likely...." as opposed to "WAHT THE FUC? FUK U!! I BELEIVE A PROGRAM IS PERFECT WHEN IT CAN DO EXACTLY WHAT IS NEEDED OF IT AT THIS MOMENT, AND DAMN ALL FORWARD (irony)COMPATIBILITY!"
ehh, you do know that emulators are usually assembly, and C++, right?

and you were apparently talking to the emulator author..  So that shows right there, of what you DONT know..
I was talking to AN emulator author.
And yes, they DO in fact probram most of their little one-man, never look at any open-source emus over there in VB.
Even I know it's retarded.

I was talking about the Virtual Console, which was coded by professionals(though apparantly getting the PC Engine right was SOOO difficult...maybe they were emulating composite video) who had access to every tiny bit of design spec.
Hell, this year tons of time was spent getting that Genesis compilation right! Granted, that was very game-specific, but the VC is designed for compatibility(fuck, it'd BETTER be!).

So, SMS people had no right to call me stupid for giving the benefit of the doubt to Sega/Nintendo's programmers.
They knew as much as me, and were looking at trees when I was talking about a forest.
um, when SEGA did their own compilation for the Dreamcast, it sucked..

So they hired the programmer for KEGA Fusion..  And it was considered the BEST Compilation..  and with good reason:  KEGA is the only emulator that is almost perfect in design and compatibility, right down to where theres a glitch on real hardware, there's a glitch in emulation..

hell, KEGAs the only emulator that can do the Genesis 480i mode!  Even most SEGA employees forgot about that hidden interlaced mode (I-Mode 2)

EDIT:  Oh, and the Genesis doesn't have an 8MHz 68k..  It's 7.6MHz...


This thread is beyond belief.


Quotei never asked anyone to trust me, i just want to be able to state facts.

perhaps i should just say this out in the public then, since you obviously don't know me well enough..  im autistic..  it's why i don't ANSWER things well enough.. because I "do" things, but sometimes I can't explain what I did...  (if i said it just works, it's because I didn't document something, and can't explain what's it's doing)

so, please get off my ass..  it works fine for me, and that's all I care about..

oh, and if it wasn't my idea to even post it on the forum, why would i lie then?  especially if this was announced TWO years ago when I started the project?  sounds weird to lie for TWO whole years, don't you think?

but, because you were so rude to me, and rude to OTHERS, im not answering anymore of your questions..  and that's what you'll have to get used to, about me..  (never bite the hand that feeds-------and I was going to release schematics to the PCB, but forget it now, you totally just shot that idea out of the water, because I fear people like you stealing the design)
My point is you didn't state enough facts.

What you are claiming sounds far-fetched. SOUNDS at the least.

You need to give every possible fact related to the technical specs.

"I was gonna show you, but forget it."
"...My cat is half dog. I would show you, but I my mom doesn't like people seeing him."
That's almost exactly what someone said to me in junior high.
At that moment, I knew he was lying, just as I had suspected from the beginning. I wanted to see that hybrid, but it never heppened.
The way you have presented this idea looks like a fraud. It doesn't matter if it isn't. it will go down in history as such, and that is how you shall be remembered.
"You'll have to get used to that about me. I'll cut off my nose to spite YOUR face."

Steal the design? WHAT? I've said it before and I'll say it again: the very idea of making a PCB hurts my skull.
Breadboarding is a big enough pain in the ass...


you asked for a picture of the setup, and I did..  check the file, check the photo, it was NOT photo shoped in anyway...

Making a PCB isn't hard at all..  You do realize anyone with a laserjet printer can make one, right?

(oh, and I just love how you liked to claim the Genesis doesn't have any FM sounds..  when it does)

you can continue to be an asshole, and that's how you'll be remembered.  as far as I care, i helped the community, helped friends, and tried to show what I could do..


QuoteOH the virtual console thread.
Where I had assumed that people would understand that 'Good enough' meant 'good enough for the purpose at hand' or 'accurate' as opposed to 'I can throw together something in VB that can run Alex Kidd with a few frames skipped.'

I know what an emulator is supposed to do, and since no one there KNOWS what level of emulation is going on they should have kept their traps shut or said something along the lines of "while possible it's more likely...." as opposed to "WAHT THE FUC? FUK U!! I BELEIVE A PROGRAM IS PERFECT WHEN IT CAN DO EXACTLY WHAT IS NEEDED OF IT AT THIS MOMENT, AND DAMN ALL FORWARD (irony)COMPATIBILITY!"
ehh, you do know that emulators are usually assembly, and C++, right?

and you were apparently talking to the emulator author..  So that shows right there, of what you DONT know..
I was talking to AN emulator author.
And yes, they DO in fact probram most of their little one-man, never look at any open-source emus over there in VB.
Even I know it's retarded.

I was talking about the Virtual Console, which was coded by professionals(though apparantly getting the PC Engine right was SOOO difficult...maybe they were emulating composite video) who had access to every tiny bit of design spec.
Hell, this year tons of time was spent getting that Genesis compilation right! Granted, that was very game-specific, but the VC is designed for compatibility(fuck, it'd BETTER be!).

So, SMS people had no right to call me stupid for giving the benefit of the doubt to Sega/Nintendo's programmers.
They knew as much as me, and were looking at trees when I was talking about a forest.
um, when SEGA did their own compilation for the Dreamcast, it sucked..

So they hired the programmer for KEGA Fusion..  And it was considered the BEST Compilation..  and with good reason:  KEGA is the only emulator that is almost perfect in design and compatibility, right down to where theres a glitch on real hardware, there's a glitch in emulation..

hell, KEGAs the only emulator that can do the Genesis 480i mode!  Even most SEGA employees forgot about that hidden interlaced mode (I-Mode 2)

EDIT:  Oh, and the Genesis doesn't have an 8MHz 68k..  It's 7.6MHz...
Did I say anything about the Dreamcast?

I know Fusion is the best. I love it.
What does that have to do with Virtual Console or that SMS thread? There's no evidence whether or not he worked on it. That's my point. "We don't know, let's hope."

Sega has the resources is what I was getting it. Money to hire someone is a resource.

So you can split hairs. What good did that do?


well, for one, it shot you down, but you were too ignorant to understand it...  what it proved:  Sega DOESNT know how to make emulators for their own hardware, and they need to hire OTHERS to do it for them...


Yes, I know making a PCB isn't hard fo SOME people.
I can't wrap my head around that kind of layout-ness, and then deal with the fact that my hands shake, I have a bad habit of rubbing my eyes when I'm working oon things....
Thus it's difficult...for me. even if I had a file to print...because I suck at things that have once chance(IE carefully placing the printout). That's why I cannot drive in Minneapolis.

I prefer soldering for long periods of time and building things out of wood(two seperate activities that both result in something being built from parts). Many chances to undo the last step or just get another piece of wood, some putty....

Oh, and fuck off, I never claimed that the Genesis didn't have FM sound. it was a fucking typo.
I was talking about the SMS compatability mode.

THAT right there makes you deserve to choke to death of your own dried feces.

And I don't CARE how you people think of me!

YOU seem to.


QuoteOh, and fuck off, I never claimed that the Genesis didn't have FM sound. it was a fucking typo.
I was talking about the SMS compatability mode.

THAT right there makes you deserve to choke to death of your own dried feces.

And I don't CARE how you people think of me!

YOU seem to.
well, I can..  And I don't appreciate you inferring I can't, because you can't..

i know how to use tools like ZOOM, and use those tools that make the layout FOR you..  you just tell the program what the chips are, their pinouts, and their functions, and the program can design the layout for you..

(oh, and even the SMS had FM sound---in Japan, so yea, it STILL has FM sound)

And I care because I don't like people like you slandering people, calling them liars, and not even letting them try and prove anything..  just because YOU can't comprehend it, doesn't give you the right to bullshit people..  and I would appreciate it if you stopped spreading lies, and confusing people..  you have NO idea how many times you been proven wrong, and don't even realize it..

and you should be the one choking on MY feces, im the one here who has some royalties...


Quotewell, for one, it shot you down, but you were too ignorant to understand it...  what it proved:  Sega DOESNT know how to make emulators for their own hardware, and they need to hire OTHERS to do it for them...
I didn't shoot me down, because it's irrelevant.
They were working on the VC the same time they were working on that compilation.

Totally possible he worked on that too.

Proved nothing. you're ignoring my point and looking at tiny elements of "possibly because of this" and trying to disprove the fact that the forest exists by saying "You're not pointing at a tree, that's a large bush."

The big picture is this: Sega and Nintendo have the resources(a damned OPEN SOURCE emulator and a team of lawyers for one, money for another, their own design specs and  code for another) and could use any number of them. Doesn't matter what they did yet, because we don't know. That was my point.

"We don't know, so lets hope."

"I don't want to hope, I'd rather be a dick for no reason."

That was that thread.


Quotewell, for one, it shot you down, but you were too ignorant to understand it...  what it proved:  Sega DOESNT know how to make emulators for their own hardware, and they need to hire OTHERS to do it for them...
I didn't shoot me down, because it's irrelevant.
They were working on the VC the same time they were working on that compilation.

Totally possible he worked on that too.

Proved nothing. you're ignoring my point and looking at tiny elements of "possibly because of this" and trying to disprove the fact that the forest exists by saying "You're not pointing at a tree, that's a large bush."

The big picture is this: Sega and Nintendo have the resources(a damned OPEN SOURCE emulator and a team of lawyers for one, money for another, their own design specs and  code for another) and could use any number of them. Doesn't matter what they did yet, because we don't know. That was my point.

"We don't know, so lets hope."

"I don't want to hope, I'd rather be a dick for no reason."

That was that thread.
Steve Snake didn't do it!  He has said himself he doesn't plan on porting the code to any other processor, because it's written in assembly, and that kind of thing doesn't port...


well, I can..  And I don't appreciate you inferring I can't, because you can't..


(oh, and even the SMS had FM sound---in Japan, so yea, it STILL has FM sound)

And I care because I don't like people like you slandering people, calling them liars, and not even letting them try and prove anything..  just because YOU can't comprehend it, doesn't give you the right to bullshit people..  and I would appreciate it if you stopped spreading lies, and confusing people..  you have NO idea how many times you been proven wrong, and don't even realize it..

and you should be the one choking on MY feces, im the one here who has some royalties...
a. How is me saying I suck at doing layouts of shit infer that you can't? Also, an author cannot infer. They can only imply. You did the inferring here. I did neither.
B. The Mega Drive didn't have FM sound in SMS mode. That's all I claimed. What does that have to do with the small-run Japanese SMS?
C. I've not lied once. I know that there are times in that thread and here that I've been shown that it's possible I'm wrong. Possible because you've proven nothing beyond a reasonable doubt. If this was a crime as opposed to a neat idea, and you were on trial, I'd vote not guilty.
Reasonable doubt.

D. Royalties??????? WHAT????
I've got royalties, too. I've written songs. Thus if someone else uses them, I will get payed money. Those are royalties.
What are YOU talking about and WHY?


Quotewell, for one, it shot you down, but you were too ignorant to understand it...  what it proved:  Sega DOESNT know how to make emulators for their own hardware, and they need to hire OTHERS to do it for them...
I didn't shoot me down, because it's irrelevant.
They were working on the VC the same time they were working on that compilation.

Totally possible he worked on that too.

Proved nothing. you're ignoring my point and looking at tiny elements of "possibly because of this" and trying to disprove the fact that the forest exists by saying "You're not pointing at a tree, that's a large bush."

The big picture is this: Sega and Nintendo have the resources(a damned OPEN SOURCE emulator and a team of lawyers for one, money for another, their own design specs and  code for another) and could use any number of them. Doesn't matter what they did yet, because we don't know. That was my point.

"We don't know, so lets hope."

"I don't want to hope, I'd rather be a dick for no reason."

That was that thread.
Steve Snake didn't do it!  He has said himself he doesn't plan on porting the code to any other processor, because it's written in assembly, and that kind of thing doesn't port...

Excuse me for trusting you for once!!

What is WRONG with you?!?!??!

"They hired this guy."
"They never hired him!"

Are you on cocaine???


dude, you seriously don't know what royalties means?  im related to a KING doofus..  ROYAL

you lied about the original post of this thread, saying that something was a CGA port, just because it was a female 9-pin D shell connector..  that was a lie, and you even tried to DEFEND the damn thing..


So they hired the programmer for KEGA Fusion..  And it was considered the BEST Compilation..  and with good reason:  KEGA is the only emulator that is almost perfect in design and compatibility, right down to where theres a glitch on real hardware, there's a glitch in emulation..
Straight blow?


im going away from this thread..

have a fun time trolling!  :D    


Quotedude, you seriously don't know what royalties means?  im related to a KING doofus..  ROYAL

you lied about the original post of this thread, saying that something was a CGA port, just because it was a female 9-pin D shell connector..  that was a lie, and you even tried to DEFEND the damn thing..
That's not a lie, it's just a poor generalization.
My defense was this: It's probably a CGA monitor, as that was the most common.

I just didn't present it well, because I hate you people.


Quoteim going away from this thread..

have a fun time trolling!  :D
Yeah, you get caught in a lie, and run away calling ME a troll.

Are you ENGLISH? Is that part of your ''royalTY" claim?
A: only the fucking English care about that these days(well, the Japanese to a degree)
B: the term you referring to is just 'royalty' in the USA.

Royalties is a PLURAL.
you'd need to be related to multiple royal families from different kingdoms for that word to work here.

I cannot abide the English.

The mighty shadow

From general experience, I tend to find that people with feelings of inadequacy are afraid of people capable of doing extraordinary things - especially those capable of making things do something they're not meant to do. In this case,  can verify Brandon did indeed get a mac OS to run on a Sega Genesis; in fact it's quite funny because he gets a lot of things working that, as someone who works in a tech admin environment, I would personally be inclined to just throw away and order a new part.

It's interesting that you reward this kind of ingenuity with distrust and pretty much contempt Gzeus, I would think this belies not only a feeling of inadequacy, but jealousy that you lack the quality to achieve greater things, and console yourself by making yourself feel big by being on of those geeks that tries to bully and push their way around. Sorry, just doesn't cut the mustard, especially with someone like me, who's probably been tinkering about with computers before you were old enough to watch a movie like hackers or sneakers and think that the tricks they did with their computers were really really cool stuff.

But then that's what gets you doesn't it? it's people like Brandon who really remember the pioneers of the computer age that remember people like me, (who incidentally STILL thinks 14.4kbps modems are freakin awesome) and embraces that same spirit that I had but now lack where I could look at technology and push those boundaries. Who understand why we enjoyed the early days of the internet so much, why we loved to tinker, explore and understand how somethings works. I wish to god I still had that spirit in me, now I'm probably the same fat lazy bastard you're in danger of becoming because he's been spoiled by up to date technology, high speed internet and LCD screens.

Oh to have my youth again.

In short, don't hate on the guy because he's capable of furthering the field of technology - what he does now may well aid people like you in being further spoiled by your front line technology. Be grateful for people like him, not doubtful.


QuoteFrom general experience, I tend to find that people with feelings of inadequacy are afraid of people capable of doing extraordinary things - especially those capable of making things do something they're not meant to do. In this case,  can verify Brandon did indeed get a mac OS to run on a Sega Genesis; in fact it's quite funny because he gets a lot of things working that, as someone who works in a tech admin environment, I would personally be inclined to just throw away and order a new part.

It's interesting that you reward this kind of ingenuity with distrust and pretty much contempt Gzeus, I would think this belies not only a feeling of inadequacy, but jealousy that you lack the quality to achieve greater things, and console yourself by making yourself feel big by being on of those geeks that tries to bully and push their way around. Sorry, just doesn't cut the mustard, especially with someone like me, who's probably been tinkering about with computers before you were old enough to watch a movie like hackers or sneakers and think that the tricks they did with their computers were really really cool stuff.

But then that's what gets you doesn't it? it's people like Brandon who really remember the pioneers of the computer age that remember people like me, (who incidentally STILL thinks 14.4kbps modems are freakin awesome) and embraces that same spirit that I had but now lack where I could look at technology and push those boundaries. Who understand why we enjoyed the early days of the internet so much, why we loved to tinker, explore and understand how somethings works. I wish to god I still had that spirit in me, now I'm probably the same fat lazy bastard you're in danger of becoming because he's been spoiled by up to date technology, high speed internet and LCD screens.

Oh to have my youth again.

In short, don't hate on the guy because he's capable of furthering the field of technology - what he does now may well aid people like you in being further spoiled by your front line technology. Be grateful for people like him, not doubtful.
That's completely false made-up psychology.

I WANTED it to be true. It proved it was a viable computing platform(with a more cut-down OS).
This is the first time he's given any evidence that is was true without big holes.
At first I was asking questions out of sheer interest "cool! how'd that happen!" but then the answeres that came started to get more and more vague.
So I CAME to distrust him.

I still do, because he's done nothing to earn it back.

He thinks I'm stupid, but he's afraid I'd 'steal' the design?
TO WHAT END? It's not like I could claim having designed it! He's (in)famous for this in the circles who are interested.

What possible reason does he have for flaunting his 'royaltIES' here?(other than unneccesary English pride[yes, I'm prejudiced against the English and the French, though I'm part French. Feel free to disagree or dislike me as a result]. Fucking English... What relevance does that have? "You think I should eat shit and die?? i'm the one who's great great-grandfather had a farm!!" WHAT??
Are you saying you're better than us because of something one 100s of years distant relative did? (ie seize power for good or ill) Well, farmers and steelworkers do more for society than monarchs on average.
any other reason for saying that is just....trolling.

Did Steve Snake get hired or not? What was his point of claiming that then shooting that quote down.
He's a TROLL, regardless of what he did or did not build(well, CODE...wait, someone else got the SCSI code running, the 68k can natively run MAC OS once you have the ROM, he can't program for the SH-2...what did HE do exactly? I'm lost in all the sidesteps he posted). He was caught in an incomplete answer enough for alot of people OTHER THAN ME to call him a liar flat out.
He just decided to take it out on me here

Big men don't try to drag people down out of spite, or do things out of spite anyway.

He's a prick. I tried to drag him down because he expected people to believe him without evidence.
I told some of my friends that there was a lizard that reproduces asexually, but still has sex, and is all female. The ydidn't beleive me.
So I linked them to a wikipedia entry.
I didn't get more and more dickish and rude until I said "Well I was GONNA show you a video clip, but now I'm afraid you'd steal the credit for telling the guys!"
Dick, possibly a phoney.
Wait, he IS a phoney. He's lied at least once in this thread.

When people do what I cannot I'm simply amazed. That's how I felt at first. Then the answers came...or rather they didn't. ( I think I did this, maybe this happens, I don't know how to explain this, I didn't code that, I didn't build the other...)