question about component cables

Started by cyberna, January 27, 2004, 12:01:26 AM

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I live in Spain and I�m not really used to see video component cables here, but we can easily find RGB scart cables which is a normal feature in European TVs...

I was just thining about component cables and I have some questions for you:

1- Is Component video an equivalent to RGB in some way?, I ask this because of the colour of the cables: Red, Green and Blue (and maybe others if you have to use sound), it�s the red cable sending the RED signal to the TV?, the blue cable the BLUE signal and so... (or they send more signals in every cable)?, then... which is the difference between this and RGB...?

2-Why PS can only be used with Component cables?, is this possible for RGB SCART cables in any way?

3- I have seen some VGABOXes which have A/V, S-VHS and Component inputs, if you use a Component cable, would you get a good image? (comparing to the XRGB 2 or 2+ using RGB or component input)...

4- Are those connectors (component) very usual in American TVs?

5-Do all American TVs which have component inputs able of using PS?, is it a normal feature in TVs there? or maybe only mid and high end TVs can use it?

6- Is component signal+PS =VGA?

Thanks for your questions...

Sorry about my poor English... and the spelling mistakes...


Your message was a little unclear, but let me try to answer as best I can.  Assuming PS = Progressive Scan and not PlayStation...

Component video is NOT RGB.  This has been answered on this page as well as several others.

"Progressive scan" doesn't mean anything outside of consumer electronics that use component video cables.  It's a fancy way of saying "non interlaced" more than anything else.

Component video is almost as good as RGB.  If you use an upscan with component the signal should be almost the same.  Of course this depends on the quality of the source image, the convertor and the display.  These parts are more important than choosing RGB or component.

Component is a new standard, and has only been used since DVD players were released.  Small TVs usually don't have them, larger ones often do (but not before about 1996/7).

RGB @ 640x480 non-interlaced = VGA.  Component can never be VGA.  Progressive component offers an image with the same resolution but the signals are different.

Your english is very clear.  I hope my answers make sense!