How to connect a Game Gear to a (RGB) TV

Started by viletim, October 06, 2006, 07:21:32 PM

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very nice  :D

just when i thought i was done with rbg mods after doing my cdi, nes and 3do.

now i wonder if the lynx could get modded


According to Rob Jung's FAQ, Atari did have an in-house RGB convertor that cost them about $2,000 per unit. It was intended for large-screen demos of the Lynx at trade shows and stuff, rather than as a consumer peripheral. So while it's possible, my guess is that it was a compex D-A operation since the Lynx screen doesn't work with any broadcast standard signal.

-KKC, who goes birthday shopping for other people and always ends up buying more junk for himself.


The first thing I did when I figured the game gear stuff was to rip open my lynx :). The lynx's LCD display works identicaly to the gamegear one but, unfortunatly, runs at non-TV timings. I measured a V-sync of 70Hz and there is no H-sync present on the board at all.

mr. newbie

well it certainly looks cool. cant see it being much use though.


Viletim, you blow me away once again with your vast knowledge of electronics.  You figured out the 1 ASIC mod??  Hats off to you my friend, I have been waiting for that for over two years now.  Finally, I can make all my GGs with TV output :D

That schem looks very professional and easy to follow made some additions as well I noticed including amping the output lines (?)  I didn't need this with the 2 ASIC mod but maybe your monitor needed a stronger signal?

and mr. newbie, this mod is incredibly useful.  I love the GG as it has great software never released on the SMS (such as the Sonic gems) but the screen has just aged horribly.  Sure, you can play stuff on emu but I love being able to swap in my carts and play them in glorious RGB.  This mod is a dream come true for GG/Sega fans.

I design PCBs for retro game systems :)


i see. i had a gg a few years ago. my stupid friend left the ac directly on a lightbulb and burnt a bealtiful hole in it. it was still smoking the next day.  


On SMS Power, I saw that someone mentioned a way to wire up a switch for MS mode which runs the games at full screen. Anyone know anything about that?


forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN


yes, you can wire a switch for sms mode.  It's solder points 10 and 11 inside the GG i believe but I have to double check on that.  Poke around SMS power  or google and youll find the info for it.

I design PCBs for retro game systems :)