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Small problem...

Started by Green_Monkey23, October 10, 2006, 07:58:05 PM

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Sorry for your time.... Why i can't see images on this resource?
My Browser is: Opera.
Thank you.


Is this for real?  I can't imagine what kind of spam this would be, but it seems too nonsensical to be real.


No links embedded in message, and no prior posts from that address. No reason to assume it's not a legitimate question. On the other hand, image display in a browser can be blocked locally, or at the network device, or by a workstation firewall or filter. As long as IE and Firefox can display images, there's no stated or implied guarantee that any other browser will or will not also do so.

GM, no other users report any problems viewing images or graphics on the NFG forums or web content pages. Please check your local network and browser settings.

-KKC, who must fight the urge to shop over lunch today.