Region + 50/60hz Mod On a 413B 1CHIP PAL SNES?

Started by qaotik, August 28, 2006, 12:26:37 PM

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The board is a SNSP-CPU-1CHIP-01 with a 413B lockout chip. I can't find a diagram for this specific board, only comments on whether it can be done or not and the people asking about modding this board never write back on how the modding went..  

Here's how I wired it (I used kynar and thicker solid wire as pictured).

I used mmmonkeys guide for the Lockout Chip and only Moosmanns guide's pictures for the Crystals because I don't speak german and Babelfish didn't help much either translating the text.

I don't wan't to break this board or blow a fuse by fiddling with it so I really need some help.

Here's what happens with different states:

PAL + 50 hz = Boots OK
PAL + 60 hz = Screen flickers
NTSC + 60 hz = Screen OK but won't get pass region check
NTSC + 50 hz = Screen flickers and won't get pass region check

The way I can get it working is by booting with PAL + 50 hz and waiting for the menu then switch to 60 hz (screen starts to flicker) and then switching to NTSC (picture is OK with no black bars = 60 hz) and it works like it should. If I do the switching before I get to the game's menu right after the bootup like when logos normally appear I get the region check failed message.

Is this mod supposed to work like this or did I forget something?

-The resistor is not linked between the switches but according to Moosemans guide thats how it should be.
-Does it matter which leg of the crystal you use when you solder them together or when you solder the new ones to either of the two points located on the boards old PAL crystals place on the board.
-Also is this picture supposed to only work as a warning or do you need to link the GND to somewhere?



Crystal oscilators are very sensitive to stray capacitance. Make sure all your wires around the crystals are very short, no more than a few cm.


What do you mean by:
The way I can get it working is by booting with PAL + 50 hz and waiting for the menu then switch to 60 hz (screen starts to flicker) 

And then:

and then switching to NTSC (picture is OK with no black bars = 60 hz) and it works like it should.

You are supposed to switch both the pin#111 and the crystal at the same time, are you using 2 switches to do that?

Moreover in the schematics I've seen the lock-out chip is never connected in parallel with the 50/60 Hz switch.



The oscillator placement on the board is atleast 15cm away from the switches. How do I set it up so that the three wires that must come from the switch is not affecting the current between the two oscillators and the snes board?


The problem is that I can't boot my PAL game as 60hz (where switches would be set: PAL/ALL and 60 hz). I have to let it boot as PAL + 50 hz and wait until it gets to the game menu then flip both switches. All my snes games right now are PAL versions so I can't test this with a NTSC game. And yes I'm using 2 Single Pole Double Throw Switches.

So im hoping that someone can point me this error in that schematic and how to fix it.


The problem is that I can't boot my PAL game as 60hz (where switches would be set: PAL/ALL and 60 hz). I have to let it boot as PAL + 50 hz and wait until it gets to the game menu then flip both switches. All my snes games right now are PAL versions so I can't test this with a NTSC game. And yes I'm using 2 Single Pole Double Throw Switches.

To change the video output on this type of SNES you are supposed to change the pin#111 AND the crystal AT THE SAME time, obviously if you change just one of them  you get the glitches.

Disabling the CIC will make the US/JP games work on a PAL machine but since your games seem to be region protected (the game code checks what freq is it running) you can't do nothing unless you use an adapter to bypass the protections.


That ingame region protection was news to me. So there wasn't an error in my drawn schematic.. I now tested all my games and only LOZ:ALTTP was able to boot as 50hz and 60hz (even though its a Nintendo inhouse developed game), Super Mario All-Stars, Super Metroid and DKC 1-3 all had to be booted at 50hz first.

Thanks for the help!  :)