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Forum Topic Closure

Started by kendrick, October 16, 2006, 10:33:28 PM

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It is a point of pride here at GamesX that we do not require registration. In an effort to be as welcoming and as open as possible, registration is not a prerequisite for posting new topics or replying to existing topics. However, this openness comes at a cost, as automated posting applications occasionally insert advertising into older threads.

I officially announce that topics older than 30 days may be closed without notice. That means that no further replies can be made, and that any conversation has to occur in a new topic. This has been going on for a few weeks now, but I wanted it to be on the record in case anybody was wondering why older threads weren't accepting new posts. This will generally occur only when large amounts of spam are being posted as part of an older topic. Please feel free to PM me or Lawrence if you have any questions or concerns about this.