Is it possible to modify HDMI/DVI to output HDSDI?

Started by TechnicalMonkey, August 07, 2006, 05:20:57 PM

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I have been searching for cheap enough ways to capture 1080i/720p/480p from consoles and arcade in higher resolutions. I about blackmagic's DeckLink HD cards, and about Aja's HD10AVA. However I seen Gefen sell the EXT-COMPAUD-2-HDMI . Is there a huge difference between HDSDI and DVI/HDMI? For the sake of arguement let us leave out HDCP. I'm not into bootlegging HD movies off of cable/satelite.

I was wondering if anyone seen a mod of the Gefen adapter going from HDMI/DVI to HDSDI or with a similar setup. I like the price point of $200 compared to $700. I'm dying to see captures of Xbox360 and some Naomi1/2 captures in HD/ED.

I also know that capturing in HDSDI can be expensive with the capture card and a SCSI320 RAID/SATA2 RAID.

I'll add more when I can think of it, but this would be so great.



i'm trying to help because i want to the first to see the screenshots when you get this working

   * HD-SDI is the HD version of SDI, which is the professional standard for moving uncompressed SD video around a studio. Since it is digital, there is no loss of quality. It's unusual to find displays with HDSDI outside of professional video environments, and where it does exist it carries a professional price tag. HDMI is just as good and will invariably be cheaper. If you are working with professional HD equipment, then you will probably need an editing system equipped with HDSDI. HDSDI can carry embedded digital sound, as well as timecode information.

[/B]HDMI is just as good and will invariably be cheaper.

mr. newbie

regardless waht card do you plan on using to capture this?  


I was planning on using the Decklink HD Extreme from Blackmagic Designs. It's usually about $1000 MSRP, but I know that they usually have them on eBay anywhere from $300-$600.

My only problem is spending more than $300 on a transcoder. The cheapest is $800 for it but Gefen makes a component/RGB with audio to HDMI transcoder. I believe that HDMI and HDSDI are both around 1.4Gbps.

So does anyone know of a mod for HDMI? If not I'll just wait till the Aja adpater is cheap enough or someone comes out with HDMI capture card or something to that effect.

mr. newbie

looks like you need to convert to sdi.


I guess I'll wait till there is a sale on HD10AVA and then try at that time.


well it seems some people like adding sdi to their dvd players looks like sdi is kinda common. i'm gonna do more research.


I've seen some of those upgrades around, and noticed that they are not cheap. I was hoping that maybe it was because the chip that they use is added and expensive. I was hoping to see if anyone has tapped HDMI to make it into SDI.


why hdmi? you said you wanted it for consoles and arcade. no console does hdmi  (asfaik) and only really new arcade games do. why not component?


QuoteI was hoping to see if anyone has tapped HDMI to make it into SDI

That's not possible, the two are not signal-compatible.

mr. newbie


asks for a component capture card

captures hd component.

looks like aja is very happy to offer hd component capture for about 1500.

edit: i just emailed them about capturing hd from my 360. no doubt the oddest question they've been emailed.

it even does rgb and 1080p for ps3 futureproofing!


This is great...  Now all I have to figure out is how to get $500 of PC and 5 HDD SATA2 RAID into this, and I'll be on my way to doing some capturing.

I can only hope that someone on ebay sells it for $1000 or less. Either that or I get a $5/hour increase in pay. I know that this card is the lowest for HD capture thus far. I'll be on the lookout for some of this stuff on eBay and Craig's List.

The SATA2 HDD RAID is going to kill me though I don't know if any of these motherboards can support port multipliers so I can get enough drives going with this. HD take a lot of bandwidth and space unless PCs are fast enough to compress into a lossier format. I doubt that the card can compress natively in real time.

And according to the specs I think it only can do 1080p24 maybe 30, but not 60 as 1080p60 is supposed to be the spec for PS3.

This card is definitly the #1 candidate at the moment.


$899 for Final Cut Pro HD software to capture DVCPRO HD

50 GB per hour for the DVCPRO HD files

i don't think a raid is nessacary if you don't do to much at a time.


DVCPRO HD is garbage. It downsamples the resolution from its native capture. It has a lot of artefact issues too. I need something that will leave the resolution native at the same time get it down to managable sizes and bandwidths while retaining a bit more quality. Otherwise, I will just encode uncompressed or something. I am pretty sure there are much better codecs than DVCPRO HD though.


The PV3 from Earthsoft does HD capture for cheap only up to 1440x1080i but some say you can capture 720p with it. It's only about $250, but you can only get it in Japan.

I will try in my power to get it I'll hope for the best