Building a 2 Output - 1 Input VGA Switch

Started by Aryu Limitless, May 31, 2006, 06:43:08 AM

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Aryu Limitless

I'm tryting to figure out what I need to build this switchable y-cable.

If I tie all of the inputs and ground leads to the appropriate places on a PCB, can I get away with a DPDT across the input cables' common ground?

Or would it be more feasible to locate a 15-pole 2-throw switch for my dilemma?
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You only really need six pins to switch between them.  Ignore all the data lines, and connect all the ground lines to the same pin.  All you need:



Aryu Limitless,

You can't switch just grounds but you don't need to switch grounds...if that makes any sense.

BTW if this is for a desktop computer (high res video) then switching this way will distort the video a bit.

Aryu Limitless

The other question:
I'm connecting a 680x0 Mac and my Dreamcast via a BLAZE DC VGA box.  I'm using a Viewsonic 21" flatscreen.  My mac displays at 1024x768, the DC not-so-much.

Should I use diodes on the lines to prevent signal feeding back into the the other source when I'm only one?

(Did you get that?)
Invest in Limitless Technologies-- Life we make SIMPLE...


I think you should buy (/borrow/steal/build or otherwise obtain :) ) an electronic VGA switchbox and use that.

Diodes can't be used in this fashon - your video is an AC signal (which, at any given microsecond, could be at anything between 1.4v and -1.4v ... or maybe something else), not a DC voltage.