VERY NEW to this whole thing...

Started by Dizzle82, May 17, 2006, 08:31:01 AM

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Hello...I was told that in order to get the best possible picture quality out of my PS2, I'd have to use an RGB cable. What exactly IS an RGB cable and what exactly do I have to do or get for my PS2?

Located in USA
Playstation 2 system using Component Cables
TV: Sony 50'' SXRD

Any other information needed, let me know...



Component video is pritty much as good as RGB video goes as far a signal quality goes. Even if you had an RGB (SCART) cable your TV likely has no RGB input anyway (SCART or otherwise). I think there's a page about this stuff on if you want to read more.


Yeah, what viletim! said.  The difference between component and RGB is academic for most people.  You'd be hard pressed to notice the difference at the best of times.


Yes, with a TV such as yours you surely have component video input and very likely do not have RGB input, some high end sets have VGA these days and some of them manage to sync at 15KHz RGB levels (think of VGA as a higher resolution, higher end RGB here) but they don't use the same plugset that you will have.

Just get the component cable and go to town, you'll have the best picture from that system for your TV and no headaches. Don't forget to hold down Cross and Triangle (or whatever the heck the buttons are) to enable progressive scan for games that support it. Come back and ask specifics about RGB when you want to connect your Super Nintendo for the best picture quality and you'll get into a whole host of fun topics.