How to wire a Saturn SCART cable to VGA

Started by eastbayarb, May 09, 2006, 03:20:19 PM

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I have a NEC XV29 A+ Presentation Monitor (27") which can handle 15khz and 31.5khz signals. It has S-Video, composite video, and VGA inputs.

I just got a Sega Saturn SCART cable. How would I go about modifying the SCART cable
to connecto to the VGA input of my monitor?



The main thing you need to consider is where you get the synchronisation signals from. A SCART TV gets them from a composite video signal. Perhaps your monitor can sync from the composite input while displaying video from the VGA input? If not then you'll likely have to build/buy a circuit that can take the composit video, and seperate the sync information and maybe seperate it again into horizontal and vertical sync signals (like computer video).  


Yes it can...

now do you know how I would rewire this SCART cable to VGA?


You can't.  The Saturn doesn't output VGA.  At best you can rewire it to match the RGB connector on your monitor.

And that said, if you have the pinouts and you don't know what to do...  Well, there's probably no hope for you.



I know that it doesn't output VGA, but I know my monitor can accept 15khz RGB signals via a VGA connector which is what I am trying to do.

If there is some sort of website with pics that describes the pinouts of the saturn SCART cable so I can match it with the VGA connector, that's what I would really want.


Um, you got here from I assume.  "Some sort of website" would be exactly this one.  Pinouts for both the SCART and JRGB connectors are available here.