PS2 too dark, 220uf?

Started by Cruo, March 12, 2006, 10:51:22 AM

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I purchased the Ultimarc PS2 rgb connector for my Commodore 1084s and the picture is way too dark and contrasty. Turning up the brightness only washes the image out.

I am assuming this is becuase I don't have the 220uf capacitors on my RGB lines.

(1) Where should I connect them?
(2) How should I connect them?
(3) Does the voltage matter? (I have 3 220uf 35v capacitors)
(4) Do I need one on the sync?

The picture is very clean aside from everything being so dark and murky.


The thing you bought from ultimarc is designed for arcade monitors isn't it? Arcade monitors require 'special' video that isn't really compatible with the video for standard TVs/monitors.

You'd be better off returning the ultimarc adaptor and buying a PS2 RGB SCART lead. If your monitor doesn't have a SCART socket then chop the end off the cable and attach whatever you monitor requires.


I too use a Commodore 1084-S, though I do not have a PS2. With my PS1 RGB cable/dongle I did use 220uF capacitors, only the R/G/B lines require the capaciitors (no need for one on the sync line). I found that any capacitor rating over 5v work fine, so your 35v capacitors should be ok. As for wiring them between the console and the monitor, the negative side of the capacitor should be wired to the monitor.

Do you have any other consoles wired to your Commodore 1084-S? I ask because with certain consoles I need to use a resistor on the sync line (Sega Master System, Neo Geo CD, Sega Genesis model 1). Most other consoles work great without any resistor on the sync line, the last console I wired to my 1084-S was my Sega Saturn, no resistor required. I must say the Sega Saturn looks amazing on a RGB display, it blows me away!
