multiplayer screen scaling

Started by watermelon, June 13, 2005, 05:02:54 AM

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i hate playing multiplayer console games in split screen and id like to be able to play multiplayer games in full screen. which got me thinking.

does anyone know if this is possible, or how to do it? im sure ive seen it in a magazine once.

what im thinking is that you bring the origional split screen video into a pc, split the two halfs, and then stretch them to full screen resolution and send them out via two diffrent video outs, to two diffrent televisions.


For the moment, let's ignore the technical challenge of doing this and assume that it can be done. Moreover, let's assume that such an application would be able to account for all varieties of split screen output, including horizontal, vertical, and four-way. Finally, let's assume that such a program would be able to accept customized input fields so that data which should be viewed by all players (like a single clock or a single map) could be redirected to be viewed on all the split screens.

My issue with such a beast would be the delay. There would necessarily be a lag between the original output signal and the divided video signal that is produced. For turn-based RPG's and strategy games, this isn't an issue since everybody is watching event-driven game events and graphics. However, most split-screen games are FPS's and other twitch or action-based titles. Therefore, you'll end up with an amount of lag between your controller input and your video output. Not good for fair play.

I'm not saying this isn't woth exploring. But it's my opinion that the final result isn't going to be worth the amount of effort it would take to produce it. There's a rumor that some of the next-gen consoles will support multiple output devices (like the Commodore 128 did) but it's not very likely. The point being, for such a capability to be useful it has to be a native capability and not one that's tacked on. Just my thoughts.

-KKC, who needs another video switcher, dammit.


for 4 player split, you could get a video wall controller, and that would split it over 4, then have a 5th screen somewhere where everyone can see it to get the clock or score or whatever is only shown once.

it's been looked at before many times, and i dont think it's going to happen to be honest:P


It's POSSIBLE but I don't know why you'd bother. The expence would be high, and the resault would be poor at best (half resoultion).


There's a guy on one of the forums I hang out on who's designed and patented a similar device.
The forum has moved to a new host, but here's a link to the thread on the old forum:

Well, I can't resist telling you about my patent!

I love split screen games, but hate the way your opponents can see what you're doing / planning!

So, I've designed and build a device that enables each player to have a tv screen to himself from one console! (It works on any console!)

It takes the split screen signal and creates 2, 3 or 4 full screen signals, with each screen only showing you your part of the split screen game.

It's wonderful fun! Every house has more than one tv! So, simply bring a portable or maybe two or three down to the lounge and use my device and you can frag each other without seeing each others screens!

It works on any split screen game and any console.

My device cost me 5 pounds to build, a scart socket plugs into it, and out come up to 4 tv signals for you to plug into tvs.

Imagine a box that shows you 4 tvs plugged into one console and people playing Quake 3 on each screen. Surely that would sell?

Would you buy it?