Nintendo 64 controller

Started by jellywerker, December 12, 2004, 07:40:19 AM

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Can anyone tell me if the n64 superpad has an anologue joystick in it? (It uses potentiometers instead of the mouse wheel design)


Uh...  You know it has potentiometers but you're still not sure if it's analogue?

Or did I misunderstand the question?


Speaking as somebody who occasionally teaches English to non-native speakers, it sounds like JW is using the parenthetical statement to explain what an analog joystick is (as opposed to making a statement about what components are in the Superpad.) I'm just making a guess, not claiming to be a mind reader or anything.

Anyway, there are two pieces of hardware that I know of which are called the 'Superpad' relating to the Nintendo 64. One is a generic handheld controller which duplicates all of the functions of the first-party N64 controller, and so it does indeed have an analog joystick as well as a standard D-pad. The other Superpad is a fighting-style joystick with lots of illogically placed action buttons and only one joystick on the left side. If I had to guess, I'd say that the question is about that second unit (since there's ambiguity about which function the single joystick duplicates.)

That was just a random shot in the dark, but it felt like I hit flesh. To that end, I'm pretty sure that N64 joysticks don't ordinarily support analog functions. So my other guess would be that this Superpad gizmo only duplicates normal D-pad directional control. Can anybody confirm or refute?

-KKC, deep into unexpected Xbox modification. But we don't talk about PIC or ROM programming on these forums, so I'll shut up now. :)