60Hz only Gamecube games on 50Hz TV OR monitor

Started by FM-77, November 29, 2004, 08:23:20 PM

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Recently, some 60Hz ONLY games has been released for Gamecube, and the thing is; I only have a 50Hz TV (PAL), I can't play them (they flicker EXTREMELY much!). Anyway, I wonder, is it somehow possible to play Gamecube on a monitor (preferably without buying expensive devices) or somehow playing them on that 50Hz TV.

Edit: I assume NTSC games and PAL60 games are pretty much the same, so the same question goes for NTSC games.


You can buy GC VGA cables for <$50 from many places online.  Did you  look before you asked?


Yes. I have been looking around but I didn't find any. So it'll work on a PAL Gamecube? I also wonder, I saw a picture of yours where you made your own cable, so I assume that is possible. Are there any instructions on how to do that somewhere?


Sadly there are no PAL games that work in progressive mode.

Considering the component video cable is $35 and the pre-made VGA cable is $45 there's not really much point in building your own.  That said, yes, there are lots of places with instructions.  I don't have any handy links, perhaps someone else?