MegaDrive/Genesis Overclocking Project

Started by Epicenter, December 05, 2004, 07:30:21 PM

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I cooked up this mod a while back and thought the people here might enjoy it. I'm working on a more 'extreme' version of this project now to see just how far the machine will go without part replacements. So far, 22.6 MHz!! :)

Hope you like.
- Epicenter
Epic Gaming Admin


Are you the same Epicenter who owes Joe Santulli from DP a Genesis he sent you for an overclock?

Or am I misinformed?

Hack3rZ 123


QuoteAre you the same Epicenter who owes Joe Santulli from DP a Genesis he sent you for an overclock?

Or am I misinformed?
I'm building him one at the moment. I want to make sure it's put through its paces before I mail it off though.