Quote from: incrediblehark on Today at 09:34:44 AMI had to boot using a 3.02 Human68k disk and then insert the virgin angel floppy and run game.bat from there to play from disk
Quote from: ateam on Today at 08:09:26 AMCan't wait to pick one of these up once available 🙂
Quote from: caius on Today at 07:20:11 AM
Quote from: incrediblehark on Today at 06:47:19 AMRun SI at the human68k prompt, it will tell you if you have a hardware fpu installed and what address it is located. Unfortunately it would have to be removed for virgin angel to work. Just using float2 instead of float3 does not resolve it. The only other option would be to patch M.X in the virgin angel directory to not cause the address conflict.
Quote from: spectreman on Today at 03:53:57 AMI found a solution that solves the Bonanza Bros. and Knight Arms problems, for Henkan Bancho users with 16MHz and 10MHz systems, (I hope it works for everyone).
It's probably not what you expected, but it's the only effective way I have at the moment.
The changes made to the system files in SxSI-SCSI_v300, do not allow the correct functioning of 2HDSIM.
I used a small image to create the ideal environment to run it (named test scsi5), the game images are taken from incrediblehark v2.20, you will find them in the Games folder.
Add this image to the ones in SxSI-SCSI HDD v3.00, it will be recognized as an H unit.
Quote from: ateam on Today at 05:11:32 AMQuote from: incrediblehark on Today at 03:32:17 AMI can now confirm 100% that Virgin Angel is unplayable with hardware FPU installed - that is the cause of the bus errors. I will update the batch file to make a note of this. If you're just gaming with your X68000 you probably don't need an FPU installed anyway, some games use it but its not necessary.
Interesting! If true, that means my Expert has an FPU installed. Are you aware of a method to determine if this is the case without disassembling the unit? 😅
Alternatively, is there a software-side method for disabling it in order to test?