
NFG Forums => GameSX - The Site => Topic started by: Chuplayer on October 19, 2004, 04:14:52 AM

Title: Computer Speakers Inexplicably Create Static
Post by: Chuplayer on October 19, 2004, 04:14:52 AM
So I get on my computer this morning and open up Winamp. I go to play some War Machine ( MP3s, and the music was marred with copious amounts of static. I restart the computer. Both the Windows shutting down and starting up jingles wreak of static. I then disconnect my PC speakers from the sound card and plug them into the headphone jack of a tape player since my speakers use a standard headphone jack. The smaller sized one. I play some Elvis and I get static. So it's not a sound card or software issue.

But this isn't the only time my speakers have acted strangely over the past four years I've had them. They strangely didn't like playing out of one speaker sometimes. I'd get only one speaker making sound. That and I occasionally received strange radio transmissions that happened to play out of the speakers. Nothing extraterrestrial. Probably just CB radio transmissions that were garbled to the point that I couldn't understand them. They only lasted a few seconds and only happened a handful of times throughout the year, but no other speakers I've ever had in my life ever did anything like that.

I know I'm probably screwed and I'll need new speakers, but I figured I'd ask for a little assistance here before I go get new speakers.
Title: Computer Speakers Inexplicably Create Static
Post by: atom on October 19, 2004, 04:51:24 AM
Lol! Its a short in the wiring dude. Are they worth repairing? If they are cheap you can buy some new cheap ones for 10 bucks at walmart. If you want to repair them I can explain in detail how to do so, it is a great newbie project to learn the basics of electricity.
Title: Computer Speakers Inexplicably Create Static
Post by: Chuplayer on October 19, 2004, 05:01:28 AM
Four years and I get a short overnight. Great.

I dunno what I'll do with them. I guess I'll open them up and have a look. Meh.
Title: Computer Speakers Inexplicably Create Static
Post by: Chuplayer on October 19, 2004, 06:53:49 AM
Dammit. I can't even get the thing open. I don't want to break it. I unscrewed all the screws, but something's not coming off. I think it's similar to NES carts that only have three screws, where the parts of the cart hook together as opposed to being screwed together, but it doesn't want to unhook.

I'm just going to get new speakers. A new cheap set.
Title: Computer Speakers Inexplicably Create Static
Post by: Chuplayer on October 20, 2004, 08:38:10 AM
Last night I opened up the speakers. I couldn't spot anything out of the ordinary. I didn't look long because they smelled like Nickelodeon Gak. (Remember Gak? It was sort of like Silly Putty.) So I got new ones today. It took a while to make them sound like I wanted, but now they're good. They were cheap, like 30 bucks, but they sound better than the old speakers.

I'll keep the old speakers around to tinker with.
Title: Computer Speakers Inexplicably Create Static
Post by: emptyness on October 25, 2004, 10:40:23 AM
its not a short, its a break in the wire that goes from the plug to whatevers at the other end. it probably didnt happen overnight, rather stress on the wires from being bent from countless pluging ins and outs finaly broke down the last few wire strands.
some of the cheap and nasty cables can fail very easily but this can happen to any cable, so just try not to put unnecesary bending and flexing on wires in the future.