
NFG Forums => X68000 Software => Topic started by: Psygnosis8 on February 12, 2015, 10:39:43 PM

Title: Aquales Crashing after stage 1?
Post by: Psygnosis8 on February 12, 2015, 10:39:43 PM
Hi all.  So I have a 10MB setup and I'm running Aquales from a CF drive.  It boots up and plays fine, but after the first boss the system reboots.  Anybody else have this problem or know how to fix it?

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Aquales Crashing after stage 1?
Post by: eidis on February 13, 2015, 04:48:20 AM
 Hi Psygnosis8 !

I know what needs to be done but do not have enough skills or knowledge to do it. The majority of Exact games have custom file systems on their floppies. Geograph Seal is one exception. However it uses FEXDRV.X which is required by Etoile Princesse HDD installer to extract the game files from floppies. The Aquales intro disk is compatible with the before mentioned driver but the game uses different file system. So does Naious. Open the game floppies with HEX editor and you will see a some sort of FAT at the beginning of the image. First step would be extracting the files. Then someone would need to make a loader to make it run from HDD. Do you know someone who would be willing to help the great cause ?

Keep the scene alive !
Title: Re: Aquales Crashing after stage 1?
Post by: Psygnosis8 on February 13, 2015, 09:20:48 AM
Hmm, I don't know.  The most experienced x68k people I know are you, superdeadite, and robivy64... Hopefully someone reads this thread and figures it out.

I tried to make a disk of it today as o figured it was a cf-specific issue (like Granada),but when I tried to search the floppy drive it just gave me an error.  I'm pretty sure I formatted it correctly.  I made a masterdisk image using the same process.

The disk images I'm using seem odd.  They're .dim files.  The x68k emulator runs them just fine, but you really can't see any of the files on the disk image itself (ie, !start!.bat). 

Any advice on making/booting a disk? (Btw--I'm using a compact so these are 3.5" disks were talking about here.)
Title: Re: Aquales Crashing after stage 1?
Post by: eidis on February 13, 2015, 09:29:22 PM
 Hi Psygnosis8 !

Write the images as usual. The files are not visible because the game uses its own custom file system as explained in my previous post.

Keep the scene alive !