
NFG Forums => SIG X68000 => Topic started by: RetroRepair on May 11, 2014, 02:59:11 AM

Title: WTT: Neptune Evolution for XSIM10
Post by: RetroRepair on May 11, 2014, 02:59:11 AM
As above, if anyone fancies a trade let me know!

Here's the auction I won: (

It works as a RAM board expansion just like the XSIM10 but also has a PCI (or ISA?) slot for a network card so you can link up with PCs or even go online! Apparently you do need an 030 CPU to use Network functionality though.

The one drawback is the PCI slot sticks out the back of the unit and on compact systems, it will block the RGB output if two SIMMs are installed. I just currently have the one 8mb SIMM installed to give me 10mb total which works great :)

It's boxed with manual and ISA network card and PSU.

Let me know!