If he already posted this here I apologize:
http://shmups.system11.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=47617 (http://shmups.system11.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=47617)
http://etim.net.au/nesrgb/ (http://etim.net.au/nesrgb/)
...And it's already sold out. Only took around 24 hours for that to occur.
Very cool, ill need to see this first hand :) if i can ever buy one. :(
A few days ago I've installed the NESRGB board into my AV Famicom. The NESRGB board makes an incredible picture, highly recommended! ;D
(http://i.imgur.com/cW1Ye5ls.jpg) (http://imgur.com/cW1Ye5l) (http://i.imgur.com/oweTK0Us.jpg) (http://imgur.com/oweTK0U) (http://i.imgur.com/SQmQ117s.jpg) (http://imgur.com/SQmQ117)
What kind of display are you using? The screenshot looks blurry...
I'm using a 42" Panasonic Plasma TV without an external scaler. The picture is very, very sharp and not blurry at all. But somehow it's difficult for me to capture the sharpness with my camera. Well, here's a better shot:
(http://i.imgur.com/WCfyrnLs.jpg) (http://imgur.com/WCfyrnL)
By now I've enjoyed the NESRGB's picture for some time and I'm still very impressed! ;D
It's worth every penny!