
NFG Forums => SIG X68000 => Topic started by: RadicalR on January 29, 2013, 05:40:34 AM

Title: Die Bahnwelt translation
Post by: RadicalR on January 29, 2013, 05:40:34 AM
So this project has been on the back burner for a long time and I have finally decided to get it done.

The game was a X68000 exclusive. According to sources, it's considered to be one of the staples of 90s Japanese computer gaming.
The company was GLODIA, which may sound familiar to some of you. They were the ones who made Emerald Dragon and ZAVAS. While I don't plan on tackling those games any time in the near future, I fell in love with Die Bahnwelt.

I'll be posting some links, but right now I'll leave you with the opening video. (

It sounds a lot better than it does in the video.

I'll update more when I have more time.
Title: Re: Die Bahnwelt translation
Post by: eidis on January 29, 2013, 06:06:27 AM
Hi RadicalR !

This looks really good. Keep up the good work !

Title: Re: Die Bahnwelt translation
Post by: RadicalR on January 29, 2013, 03:10:18 PM

Here is how it stands so far.

OPEN - 100% Done and tested!
SYS - 100% Done and tested! Might tweak stuff as needed.
USER - Strictly for saves. No translation needed!
DATA - 100% Done and not tested! I still have to play through this again.
DATB - MAP translated! 0% inserted.
DATC - MAP translated! 0% inserted.
END - Jukebox translated!

So - if people want, I can release a patch of what I got done now on two conditions. One that you have to understand that this is a work in progress! Two, if you see something that doesn't sound right or work correctly, let me know and tell me what you did to reproduce it. I can't fix stuff if I can't see it.
Title: Re: Die Bahnwelt translation
Post by: eidis on January 31, 2013, 05:03:32 AM
 Hi RadicalR !

Upload away: (

Please let us know if there are some particular things which you want us to test.

Keep the scene alive !
Title: Re: Die Bahnwelt translation
Post by: RadicalR on January 31, 2013, 09:46:47 AM
Awesome. I just uploaded OPEN, SYS, and DATA (that is DAT A).

Currently having someone check the jukebox translations so that'll be next to upload.

As for testing, for one I would love to know if they work on actual hardware. Two, test for the usual typos, miswraps, logic errors.

How to use: OPEN in slot 0 will playing the introduction. Highly recommended for awesome music and cool story.

Then to play, SYS in slot 0 and DATA in slot 1. It'll start the game proper. Also, when you save the game, do not save in slot 2 and 3.
Those are special maps.

Have fun!
Title: Re: Die Bahnwelt translation
Post by: RadicalR on June 20, 2013, 02:28:19 PM
Bumping this old topic since I have major news. I've on the cusp of finishing this game. Could the person running the upload kindly delete the files in there so I can upload newer copies?
Title: Re: Die Bahnwelt translation
Post by: NFG on June 20, 2013, 07:19:57 PM
I don't see any files in the upload folder that are obviously related to your project.  If you could be more specific I'll get it done immediately.
Title: Re: Die Bahnwelt translation
Post by: lydux on June 20, 2013, 07:39:26 PM
There are 3 XDF files :
Title: Re: Die Bahnwelt translation
Post by: NFG on June 20, 2013, 07:41:23 PM
Title: Re: Die Bahnwelt translation
Post by: RadicalR on June 21, 2013, 03:36:44 PM
Alright, uploaded the most current disks. As of this moment, the game is completely playable.
That being said, there are still a couple of quirks - so please note that this is not a final product.
Have fun and let me know if you find anything!
Title: Re: Die Bahnwelt translation
Post by: gabby32 on October 19, 2013, 04:05:34 AM
I have not been able to run the game on your X68000XVI Compact. Your translation only works on the emulator.
Title: Re: Die Bahnwelt translation
Post by: RadicalR on December 05, 2013, 07:25:14 AM
Shoot. Is there an error message that it throws?
Title: Re: Die Bahnwelt translation
Post by: gabby32 on December 08, 2013, 04:30:01 AM
Opening does not start. And the game does not start. Since the original version no problem. Just your translation does not work on emulators  XM6 and XM6g. Version translation Die Bahnwelt (Japan) [T-En by Radical R v20060322] . Already patched the floppy disk images. Maybe I need to re-patch them. But on the emulator WinX68kHighSpeed ​​everything works only when the midi.
Screen with the name of the developer GLODIA not appears.
Title: Re: Die Bahnwelt translation
Post by: RadicalR on December 08, 2013, 06:20:16 AM
Strange. Are you using the floppies found at the below site? If you patch the original disks, they won't work! (

I plan to port my work to the original disks, but not until I finish this.
Title: Re: Die Bahnwelt translation
Post by: gabby32 on December 09, 2013, 04:27:53 AM
Diskettes downloaded from the website (
do not work on the emulator as well as your translation.

According to the description on the site I realized that this version of the game only runs on the emulator WinX68k
Title: Re: Die Bahnwelt translation
Post by: RadicalR on December 10, 2013, 09:06:36 AM
Quote from: gabby32 on December 09, 2013, 04:27:53 AM
Diskettes downloaded from the website (
do not work on the emulator as well as your translation.

According to the description on the site I realized that this version of the game only runs on the emulator WinX68k

No, XM6 runs it fine. You probably have to change the settings. I believe it had issues until I changed the MIDI settings.
Title: Re: Die Bahnwelt translation
Post by: RadicalR on February 01, 2014, 10:11:54 AM
Finally done. ( for disk patch ( for bootable HD

Title: Re: Die Bahnwelt translation
Post by: parodius on February 01, 2014, 11:20:29 AM
Good job !
Title: Re: Die Bahnwelt translation
Post by: gypsie on February 03, 2014, 02:24:26 AM
Working or not on a real x68000 compact ?
Title: Re: Die Bahnwelt translation
Post by: RadicalR on February 06, 2014, 06:40:09 AM
I have one confirmed working on Hardware, but he's running 4MB of RAM. (shouldn't need more than 2.. I think.)
Title: Re: Die Bahnwelt translation
Post by: kazekirifx on February 06, 2014, 03:57:42 PM
Hell, I've owned full packaging and broken disks for this game for years, and still never found images of the Japanese version that would run on my ACE with 4MB RAM... let alone an English translated version.
Title: Re: Die Bahnwelt translation
Post by: spud on August 10, 2019, 07:34:34 AM
Sorry to revive this old thread. How do i restart the game from the beginning. Everytime I run the game it continues from a certain saved position? Thanks!