
NFG Forums => NFGgames - The Site => Topic started by: Hojo_Norem on October 16, 2011, 04:30:15 AM

Title: RE: Server's back in Japan, let me know if anything's weird!
Post by: Hojo_Norem on October 16, 2011, 04:30:15 AM
I don't know if its my browser (FF 3.6.23) or the server but hardly any of the site's gfx are loading for me.  I have to constantly refresh the page to get it to load properly.

It does seem to be functioning properly though.
Title: Re: RE: Server's back in Japan, let me know if anything's weird!
Post by: NFG on October 16, 2011, 07:22:55 AM
Try a different browser, or a different PC, perhaps in a different place?  Try your phone, maybe?  How long has the problem been going on? 

I'm reasonably sure the problem is yours, but if you can point to anything wrong on my end I'll happily try to fix it.  =)
Title: Re: RE: Server's back in Japan, let me know if anything's weird!
Post by: kendrick on October 17, 2011, 01:06:50 AM
I'm seeing odd behavior too. It's not that graphics aren't loading, but the CSS style sheet for the various Simple Machine themes aren't completely loading. Right now, I'm looking at generic Courier and Times New Roman fonts, and no background on the page. Everything's perfectly functional though.

If I had to guess, I'd say that the CSS is referenced off-site and its source is timing out, which would make the GamesX server give up and just render what it's got.
Title: Re: RE: Server's back in Japan, let me know if anything's weird!
Post by: NFG on October 17, 2011, 07:09:49 AM
I can't make the site fail.  All the CSS are hosted on the same server as the site itself.  How long has it been funny?  Are you also using firefox?  Have you tried any of the suggestions I made above?

If it's a widespread problem I'd like to fix it.  =/
Title: Re: RE: Server's back in Japan, let me know if anything's weird!
Post by: Hojo_Norem on October 18, 2011, 02:38:32 AM
I tried IE7 and that works fine as does the Steam IGB (which is webkit based if Im not mistaken).

The only parts of the forum that don't seem to be working in my FF installation  is the formating and the background GFX.  Stuff like buttons and avatars show normally.

EDIT:  I just disabled all my FF addons (barring the Java console ones, the havn't updated in ages) and the issue still remains.  There was a update for FF3.6 not too long ago.

EDIT2:  Funnily it seems that the first forum page I load loads fine, but then subsequent ones are bugged.  I bet its a bug in the current version of FF.
Title: Re: RE: Server's back in Japan, let me know if anything's weird!
Post by: albino_vulpix on October 25, 2011, 04:38:42 PM
I'll add that it takes me a few refreshes before the CSS seems to work. Running FF7 on Win7 64-bit. Site it otherwise completely functional.
Title: Re: RE: Server's back in Japan, let me know if anything's weird!
Post by: NFG on October 25, 2011, 06:02:09 PM
The common factor here seems to be firefox.  =/
Title: Re: RE: Server's back in Japan, let me know if anything's weird!
Post by: NFG on December 30, 2011, 06:59:40 AM
FWIW, I updated the server software and all the Firefox users seem to have shut up about the problems.  Anyone still experiencing weirdness?  Let me know...
Title: Re: RE: Server's back in Japan, let me know if anything's weird!
Post by: kendrick on December 30, 2011, 08:00:18 AM
I see the problems only infrequently at this point, but they're still there. I'm guessing that both the Mozilla and SMF products are slightly out of spec in different directions. I'm not inclined to make you look any further into the problem.
Title: Re: RE: Server's back in Japan, let me know if anything's weird!
Post by: Endymion on December 31, 2011, 02:22:47 PM
I've not had any issue since the last update.