On my 2 slot cmvs quest ,i have my switch mode power supply (for the 5Vcc only mod )and it didn't come with an actual lead with the plug on,which is a standard kettle type,but i have one here ready. (pc psu type lead)So to be safe,what value fuse would i have to use for the plug ,based on this info;
It's a stontronics and i'm in the UK so it will run off a 230 volts supply.
input:100-240 v~,50-60hz,0.8A
output:5v @4.0A
A bit more info is below.
http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:r_LwN3EJ2cMJ:www.stontronics.co.uk/Stontronics/files/45/45880fa6-f931-40fe-a350-0bd89ccabc05.pdf+T2502ST&hl=en&gl=uk&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESj7CNs9IUhPPp1EuU3tD0kIfZ-wlkeUHx-PzaJiB_WZIvIcrsXvt_pFY3psMC3NlC_BqgE5ekSSANys5MovlVyoJizEOUxIbJEnj11Tyu6M3i_Dn5o4KCirSc_hGHX9Ex3dwT7F&sig=AHIEtbRlhvkWUlPQ9wKzllz0QX67rGbfag (http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:r_LwN3EJ2cMJ:www.stontronics.co.uk/Stontronics/files/45/45880fa6-f931-40fe-a350-0bd89ccabc05.pdf+T2502ST&hl=en&gl=uk&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESj7CNs9IUhPPp1EuU3tD0kIfZ-wlkeUHx-PzaJiB_WZIvIcrsXvt_pFY3psMC3NlC_BqgE5ekSSANys5MovlVyoJizEOUxIbJEnj11Tyu6M3i_Dn5o4KCirSc_hGHX9Ex3dwT7F&sig=AHIEtbRlhvkWUlPQ9wKzllz0QX67rGbfag)
Is this correct
I x V = watts(
then watts divided by v = the value of the fuse ?
So the closest fuse value would be a 1amp ?