Is it possible to connect a PAL PS1 to a TV using a component cable?
I've got a PS2 component cable that fits my PS1 but it displays incorrectly (B&W as I remember). Is there any kind of modification that could remedy this?
Note: I'm not looking for Progressive Scan just Interlaced Component connection.
PS1 does not output component, at all. Using that cable on a PS1 will give you RGB.
Would RGB be of any value in Australia?
I've noticed I could get H-Sync and V-Sync off of the board from this page:
But I'm not sure if it would be of any use outside of North America.
Thanks for the fast reply!
can you get a scart TV where you are (we really can't in the US)? that's what the RGB is for. best you can get for the ps1.
a scart tv will get the csync fron the cvideo.
but don't try to hack a component cable, just get a scart.
There is one SCART TV at my house, it's not mine but I could use it.
I've been looking for a PlayStation SCART cable for a while now but haven't been able to find one in stores.
SCART isn't common in Australia, neither is S-Video. It has been years since I last saw a PS SCART cable.
So if I can find a SCART cable I only need to plug it in correct, no modding?
Just a thought. Seeing as I can't get hold of a PlayStation SCART cable, would it be possible to make one out of a component cable.
I've seen a lot of component cables for PlayStation that also have a composite video lead, could I then connect these cables to their respective pins on a SCART plug?
I'm sure I could find a SCART plug at an electronics store.
Quote from: Ocelot85 on June 22, 2009, 01:10:12 PM
Just a thought. Seeing as I can't get hold of a PlayStation SCART cable, would it be possible to make one out of a component cable.
I've seen a lot of component cables for PlayStation that also have a composite video lead, could I then connect these cables to their respective pins on a SCART plug?
Yes, but maybe not exactly. It's my understanding that some TVs with SCART inputs also require +5VDC and resistor to set the correct mode. However, I'm sure you could connect DC voltage from some other device to do the trick.
Quote from: Ocelot85 on June 22, 2009, 01:10:12 PM
I'm sure I could find a SCART plug at an electronics store.
If you live in a territory that has sold TVs with SCART RGB inputs, the likely hood is good!
PS1 provides +5V for this.
just buy a scart one off ebay.
According to Wikipedia Pin 16 on SCART controls: "Blanking signal up" & "RGB-selection voltage up [0-0.4V → composite, 1-3V → RGB]"
As antron says I could get +5V for the PS1 A/V OUT, So I've got to put a resistor on the +5V line to bring it down to 1-3V? Then the TV will know to use the RGB signal instead of the composite signal, correct?
So far this is what I've got, the attached picture shows a modified PS Component cable.
And for easy reference here is the PS A/V Pin out.
1 Ground (Analog Audio)
2 Analog Audio Right
3 Ground (Video)
4 Analog Audio Left
5 S-Video Y (luminance)
6 Composite Video/RGB Composite Sync*
7 S-Video C (chrominance)
8 Ground
9 Cb/RGB Blue*
10 +5Volt
11 Cr/RGB Red*
12 Y/RGB Green*
BTW this is a great site!
there is a little more to it:
Thanks Antron, This helps out heaps!
Is the yellow rectangle with 180 above it a single 180 ohm resistor? And they are 'Brown, Grey, Brown' color bands, right.
I've just got to make sure I know what I need to do.
As said elsewhere here - just buy a RGB SCART PS1/PS2/PS3 cable from eBay. They're all totally interchangeable and very cheap so even if you have to import from somewhere like here in the UK it'll cost you a few days beer money.